BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 10-31-92 (10:31) Number: 400 From: JAMES VAHN Refer#: 399 To: PETER BARNEY Recvd: NO Subj: Postit Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
JV> Don't run this, but look at it: JV> out 112,20 : out 113,0 JV> Can you tell what it does by looking at it? PB> Ok, I'll bite. WHAT does that do? Nothing. At first. :-) And nothing at all if you don't have an AT. Here's the whole story for posterity: This bomb puts a zero into the AT's CMOS equipment byte and destroys the CMOS checksum. You may also lose the drive type which could foul some users up royally. Most DON'T KNOW which drive type they have. The computer will gag, quite possibly requiring a service call. If have an AT and are in a hurry to see what it does, hang this on the end: OUT 100,254 But before you run it, make a boot disk then compile and run this first: ' cmos2dsk.bas James Vahn OPEN "cmos.dat" FOR OUTPUT AS #1 FOR CMOS = &H0 TO &H3F OUT &H70, CMOS ' Save CMOS values. Byte% = INP(&H71) PRINT #1, CHR$(Byte%); NEXT : CLOSE Now run that little bomb I posted... If you didn't go with Option B, hit the reset button. OUT 100,254 will do that for you if you have the standard AT keyboard. After all the fuss dies down, fix the CMOS setup so you can boot from A: and insert that bootable disk you made and run this after you've compiled and saved it on A: ' cmos2ram.bas James Vahn OPEN "cmos.dat" FOR BINARY AS #1 DIM Byte AS STRING * 1 FOR CMOS = &H0 TO &H3F OUT &H70, CMOS ' Restore CMOS values. GET #1, , Byte OUT &H71, ASC(Byte) NEXT : CLOSE Pull the disk and hit the reset. These two programs can be useful when changing batteries, running programs from the Quik_Bas echo <grin>, or just fooling with CMOS configurations. I just wish I could figure out how to access XCMOS which SHOULD be contiguous to the CMOS data. i.e. FOR CMOS = &H0 TO &HFF should work, but it doesn't. Not here anyway. fun stuff, eh? Cya! * SLMR 2.1a * --- Maximus 2.00 * Origin: Inland Empire Archive (1:346/10)
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