BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 10-24-92 (03:25) Number: 329 From: KENNY BINGHAM Refer#: NONE To: RICH GELDREICH Recvd: NO Subj: 007 Reporting for duty si Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Wondered if you could convert this sucker to regular QB without using data statements. It's a shareware program I picked up off a bbs. 10 CLS:PRINT"Creating PASSWORD.SYS device driver":PRINT 20 OPEN "password.sys" AS #1 LEN=1:FIELD #1,1 AS A$ 30 CHECKSUM=0:COUNT=0 40 READ X:IF X=-1 THEN 100 ' ** check for last byte 50 LSET A$=CHR$(X):PUT #1 60 COUNT=COUNT+1:CHECKSUM=CHECKSUM+X 70 GOTO 40 100 IF COUNT<>258 OR CHECKSUM<>19805 THEN BEEP:PRINT "Data Error":END 197 '****************************************************************** 198 '***** READ OLD PASSWORD ***** 199 '****************************************************************** 200 GET #1,19:PW.LEN=ASC(A$) 210 PW$="" 220 FOR J=20 TO 20+PW.LEN 230 GET #1,J:PW$=PW$+A$ 240 NEXT 250 CLS:PRINT"Current password is: ";PW$ 260 PRINT:LINE INPUT"Enter new password (up to 16 characters):",NPW$ 270 IF LEN(NPW$)>16 THEN 260 297 '****************************************************************** 298 '***** NOW PUT NEW PASSWORD IN PLACE ***** 299 '****************************************************************** 300 LSET A$=CHR$(LEN(NPW$)):PUT #1,19 310 FOR J=1 TO LEN(NPW$) 320 LSET A$=MID$(NPW$,J,1):PUT #1,19+J 330 NEXT 340 PRINT:PRINT"Make sure that your CONFIG.SYS file contains the commands:" 350 PRINT"DEVICE=ANSI.SYS" 360 PRINT"DEVICE=PASSWORD.SYS" 370 PRINT" .... in that order." 380 PRINT:PRINT"then reboot the system with CTRL-ALT-DEL." 390 END 1000 DATA &hff,&hff,&hff,&hff,&h00,&h80,&h73,&h00,&h7e,&h00 1010 DATA &h50,&h57,&h4f,&h52,&h44,&h20,&h20,&h20,&h08,&h50 1020 DATA &h61,&h73,&h73,&h57,&h6f,&h72,&h64,&h20,&h20,&h20 1030 DATA &h20,&h20,&h20,&h20,&h20,&h20,&h10,&h00,&h00,&h00 1040 DATA &h00,&h00,&h00,&h00,&h00,&h00,&h00,&h00,&h00,&h00 1050 DATA &h00,&h00,&h00,&h00,&h00,&h00,&h00,&h00,&hcf,&h0d 1060 DATA &h0a,&h1b,&h5b,&h30,&h6d,&h20,&h45,&h6e,&h74,&h65 1070 DATA &h72,&h20,&h50,&h61,&h73,&h73,&h77,&h6f,&h72,&h64 1080 DATA &h3a,&h20,&h1b,&h5b,&h38,&h6d,&h24,&h0d,&h0a,&h1b 1090 DATA &h5b,&h30,&h6d,&h20,&h50,&h61,&h73,&h73,&h77,&h6f 1100 DATA &h72,&h64,&h20,&h61,&h63,&h63,&h65,&h70,&h74,&h65 1110 DATA &h64,&h2e,&h0d,&h0a,&h24,&h2e,&h89,&h1e,&h36,&h00 1120 DATA &h2e,&h8c,&h06,&h38,&h00,&hcb,&h1e,&h06,&h50,&h53 1130 DATA &h51,&h52,&h57,&h56,&h8c,&hc8,&h8e,&hd8,&h2e,&hc4 1140 DATA &h1e,&h36,&h00,&h26,&h8a,&h47,&h02,&h3c,&h00,&h74 1150 DATA &h15,&h26,&h81,&h4f,&h03,&h03,&h80,&h26,&h81,&h4f 1160 DATA &h03,&h00,&h01,&h5e,&h5f,&h5a,&h59,&h5b,&h58,&h07 1170 DATA &h1f,&hcb,&h06,&hb8,&h00,&h00,&h8e,&hc0,&h26,&hc7 1180 DATA &h06,&h6c,&h00,&h3a,&h00,&h26,&h8c,&h0e,&h6e,&h00 1190 DATA &heb,&h06,&hb0,&h07,&hb4,&h0e,&hcd,&h10,&hba,&h3b 1200 DATA &h00,&hb4,&h09,&hcd,&h21,&hba,&h24,&h00,&hb4,&h0c 1210 DATA &hb0,&h0a,&hcd,&h21,&h8c,&hc8,&h8e,&hc0,&hbe,&h25 1220 DATA &h00,&hbf,&h12,&h00,&hb5,&h00,&h8a,&h0c,&h3a,&h0d 1230 DATA &h75,&hd8,&h47,&h46,&hf3,&ha6,&h75,&hd2,&hba,&h57 1240 DATA &h00,&hb4,&h09,&hcd,&h21,&h07,&h26,&hc7,&h47,&h0e 1250 DATA &hac,&h00,&h26,&h8c,&h4f,&h10,&heb,&h9b 1260 DATA -1 --- * Origin: Midnight Micro! V.32/REL (918)451-3306 (1:170/600)
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