BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 06-22-92 (02:43) Number: 1078 From: STEVE MATHIESON Refer#: NONE To: BILL CAMPBELL Recvd: NO Subj: key trapping Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Hi Bill! On Sunday June 21 1992, Bill Campbell wrote to Mike Kruppenbacher, and it went something like this: BC> I was messing with it as I went but I figgerred it would work. I put the BC> trap in a loop and each time throught the loop it hits BC> a "onkey (xx) gosub BC> ...". Before the loop I turn the keys off and then BC> turn on key (xx). Works BC> just fine for the numeric arrows. The code (by the way) works for both BC> sets of arrows in (shudder) GWBasic. So, again I BC> plead, can anyone help me BC> to get the stand-alone arrows to work? Thanks, Bill C. Here's an example, although for some reason the dedicated keypad keys don't work if the NumLock is on.... KEY 15, CHR$(128) + CHR$(75) 'Left Key on extended KEY 16, CHR$(128) + CHR$(72) 'Up key on extended KEY 17, CHR$(128) + CHR$(77) 'Right key on extended KEY 18, CHR$(128) + CHR$(80) 'Down key on extended ' The format is, Key definition, chr$(128) means extended keyboard key ' + (add) the Keys scan code ON KEY(15) GOSUB dedicatedleft ON KEY(16) GOSUB dedicatedup ON KEY(17) GOSUB dedicatedright ON KEY(18) GOSUB dedicateddown KEY(15) ON KEY(16) ON KEY(17) ON KEY(18) ON ON KEY(11) GOSUB numericup ON KEY(12) GOSUB numericleft ON KEY(13) GOSUB numericright ON KEY(14) GOSUB numericdown KEY(11) ON KEY(12) ON KEY(13) ON KEY(14) ON DO: LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ = "q" END dedicatedleft: PRINT " Pressed LEFT on the DEDICATED Arrow Keys" RETURN dedicatedright: PRINT " Pressed RIGHT on DEDICATED Arrow keys" RETURN dedicatedup: PRINT " Pressed UP on DEDICATED Arrow Keys" RETURN dedicateddown: PRINT "Pressed DOWN on DEDICATED arrow Keys" RETURN numericleft: PRINT " Pressed LEFT on the NUMERIC Keypad " RETURN numericup: PRINT " Pressed UP on NUMERIC pad" RETURN numericdown: PRINT " Pressed DOWN on NUMERIC" RETURN numericright: PRINT "Pressed RIGHT on NUMERIC Pad" RETURN Hope that helps.... Steve --- GoldED 2.40 * Origin: Sam's Place (613)837-0413 Ottawa, ON Canada (1:163/319)
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