BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 10-17-92 (10:17) Number: 251 From: JAMES VAHN Refer#: 174 To: VICTOR YIU Recvd: NO Subj: Re: Any Suggestions? Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
-=> Quoting James Vahn to Quinn Tyler Jackson <=- JV> I've not found any CMOS utility that will save this info. VY> I have one small 100 byte COM file that will do it... but too bad I VY> can't Post-It! (Pun!) <G> If you want it, I can post it in debug form VY> or something. Your offer is much appreciated, but a debug script to save XCMOS ?? Not hardly Basic is it? I fear the Wrath of Wagner will befall upon us! :-) Please unassemble it and modify the Basic code posted below to include the XCMOS area. Or just quietly pass on to me the method used to access Xcmos. Or you can netmail it and I *might* receive it. Thanks! PS. I miss hunks of the echo here. Your comment seems strange. Postit is forbidden, yet debug scripts are allowed? =============================================================== Cornel Huth made this suggestion, but it doesn't work here. Maybe Quinn can use it.. Comments I've received imply this may be chipset specific. I run a C&T 82C235 under a 286/12. 'cmos2dsk.bas James Vahn OPEN "cmos.dat" FOR OUTPUT AS #1 FOR CMOS = &H0 TO &H3F OUT &H70, CMOS ' CMOS values. Byte% = INP(&H71) ' This part works. PRINT #1, CHR$(Byte%); ' Common sense dictates 00h to FFh. NEXT FOR CMOS = &H40 TO &H4F OUT &H22, CMOS ' XCMOS values Byte% = INP(&H23) ' Cornel suggested 22/23 PRINT #1, CHR$(Byte%); ' This part doesn't work for me. NEXT CLOSE 1 '-end- 'cmos2ram.bas James Vahn OPEN "cmos.dat" FOR BINARY AS #1 DIM Byte AS STRING * 1 FOR CMOS = &H0 TO &H3F OUT &H70, CMOS 'CMOS GET #1, , Byte OUT &H71, ASC(Byte) NEXT FOR CMOS = &H40 TO &H4F OUT &H22, CMOS 'XCMOS GET #1, , Byte OUT &H23, ASC(Byte) NEXT CLOSE 1 '-end- * SLMR 2.1a * --- Maximus 2.00 * Origin: Inland Empire Archive (1:346/10)
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