BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 10-14-92 (22:42) Number: 395 From: MARK BUTLER Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Screen save/rest 1/2 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Hi all, I had been fooling around with text mode screen save/restore routines and discovered something kinda neat. In the book "Microsoft QuickBASIC Programmer's Toolbox" there are two routines in 'C' to do this; 'MoveBytes' and 'MoveWords'. I looked the C code over and noticed that both make use of QuickC's "_movedata" funtion so I wondered "why bother to make a linkable C routine? Why not just link in the asm-based MOVEDATA.OBJ from MLIBCE.LIB directly?" (which was really all J. C. Craig's code seemed to be doing in the first place). Well, I fooled with it and found that it would work just fine. In the below 2 snippets the first is a simple text screen save/restore demo in Basic. The second is a debug script for movedata.obj. To run this demo create a QLB from movedata.obj or compile the program linking in movedata.obj. ==========================8< Cut Here 8<============================= '*** SCREEN SAVE/RESTORE DEMO by Mark H Butler DEFINT A-Z DECLARE SUB DrawBox (Uprow, Ltcol, Lorow, Rtcol) DECLARE SUB MoveData CDECL (BYVAL fromseg, BYVAL fromoff, BYVAL_ destseg, BYVAL destoff, BYVAL nbytes) DECLARE SUB RestScrn (Scr()) DECLARE SUB SaveScrn (Scr()) '*** create an array to hold all the text mode screen elements DIM SHARED Scr(4000) '*** print some junk to the screen COLOR 7, 1 CLS FOR i = 1 TO 13 FOR ch = 33 TO 176 PRINT CHR$(ch); NEXT ch NEXT i '*** save the current screen SaveScrn Scr() '*** draw a white window box with black text COLOR 0, 7 DrawBox 10, 10, 14, 70 LOCATE 12, 15 PRINT "Press any key to remove window non-destructively" COLOR 7, 0 '*** wait until a key is pressed DO UNTIL LEN(INKEY$): LOOP '*** restore the original screen RestScrn Scr() SUB DrawBox (Uprow, Ltcol, Lorow, Rtcol) STATIC Wide = (Rtcol - Ltcol) - 1 LOCATE Uprow, Ltcol PRINT CHR$(201); STRING$(Wide, CHR$(205)); CHR$(187); FOR i = Uprow + 1 TO Lorow - 1 LOCATE i, Ltcol PRINT CHR$(186); SPACE$(Wide); CHR$(186); NEXT i LOCATE Lorow, Ltcol PRINT CHR$(200); STRING$(Wide, CHR$(205)); CHR$(188); END SUB SUB RestScrn (Scr()) DEF SEG = &H40 equip = PEEK(&H10) IF (equip AND 48) = 48 THEN destseg = &HB000 ELSE destseg = &HB800 END IF destoff = 0 fromseg = VARSEG(Scr(0)) fromoff = VARPTR(Scr(0)) nbytes = 4000 MoveData fromseg, fromoff, destseg, destoff, nbytes END SUB SUB SaveScrn (Scr()) DEF SEG = &H40 equip = PEEK(&H10) IF (equip AND 48) = 48 THEN fromseg = &HB000 ELSE fromseg = &HB800 END IF fromoff = 0 destseg = VARSEG(Scr(0)) destoff = VARPTR(Scr(0)) nbytes = 4000 MoveData fromseg, fromoff, destseg, destoff, nbytes END SUB ==========================8< Cut Here 8<============================= The next message contains a debug script for MOVEDATA.OBJ >>> continued in the next message --- PPoint 1.35 * Origin: Terminal Oasis, Portland OR (1:105/330.5)
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