BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 10-09-92 (12:48) Number: 305 From: RICHARD DALE Refer#: NONE To: VICTOR YIU Recvd: NO Subj: Error checking in QB Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
VY>capabilities are very limited. The main limitation is that you can VY>not return to anywhere in your program -- either the statement that VY>caused the error (what if the user wants to abort?) or the next I seem to recall that way back in the dark days of BASIC there were two statements, ERR and ERL, which would return the error number and error line. You might be able to set up a CASE ERROR routine: ErrorHandler: SELECT CASE ERR CASE 53 RESUME NEXT CASE 64 PRINT "Bad filename" CASE 68 PRINT "Device unavailable" CASE 71 PRINT "Disk not ready" CASE 76 PRINT "Path not found" CASE ELSE PRINT "Error occured:"; ERR; "at line"; ERL END SELECT Of course, the ERL would only work if (gasp!) you used line numbers. Does ERL work with QuickBASIC? I dunno, I have never tried it. But if it does, you might be able to take the ERL result and compare it to the line number given by the QB editor. If you wanted to get the actual error rather than just the error number, you could include this list of error numbers and their corresponding errors. Note that many of these errors will be caught by QuickBASIC. FOR EM=1 TO 51:READ ERNO,ERMS$(ERNO):NEXT DATA 1,NEXT without FOR,2,Syntax error,3,RETURN without GOSUB,4,Out of data DATA 5,Illegal function call,6,Overflow,7,Out of memory,8,Undefined line DATA 9,Subscript out of range,10,Duplicate definition,11,Division by zero DATA 12,Illegal direct,13,Type mismatch,14,Out of string space DATA 15,String too long,16,String formula too complex,17,Can't continue DATA 18,Undefined user function,19,No RESUME,20,RESUME without error DATA 21,Unprintable error,22,Missing operand,23,Line buffer overflow DATA 24,Device time-out,25,Device fault,26,FOR without NEXT,27,Out of paper DATA 29,WHILE without WEND,30,WEND without WHILE,50,Field overflow DATA 51,Internal error,52,Bad file number,53,File not found DATA 54,Bad file mode,55,File already open,57,Device I/O error DATA 58,File already exists,61,Disk full,62,Input past end DATA 63,Bad record number,64,Bad file name,66,Direct statement in file DATA 67,Too many files,68,Device unavailable DATA 69,Communications buffer overflow,70,Disk write protect DATA 71,Disk not ready,72,Disk media error,74,Rename across disks DATA 75,Path/file access error,76,Path not found * 1st 1.01 #567 * 1stReader: Dance with the one that brung ya. --- FidoPCB v1.2 [ff013/c] * Origin: Sound Advice - 24 Nodes (816)436-4516 (1:280/333)
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