BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 10-09-92 (10:35) Number: 400 From: MARK BUTLER Refer#: NONE To: EARL MONTGOMERY Recvd: NO Subj: Reboot Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
04 Oct 92, Earl Montgomery writes to All: EM> I remember someone posting a short basic program that would cause EM> a reboot... On 04-09-92 Zack Jones posted this little goodie and I've found it to work very well... ==============================8< Cut Here 8<============================== 'From PC Magazine, 17 Mar 92, Page 439 DECLARE SUB ReBoot (Warm%) CALL ReBoot(1) 'Save this program before running it! SUB ReBoot (Warm%) STATIC IF Warm% THEN 'if they want a warm boot DEF SEG = 0 'assign the value 1234 Hex POKE &H473, &H12 'to address 0000:0472 Hex POKE &H472, &H34 END IF DEF SEG = &HFFFF 'either way call the BIOS CALL Absolute(0) 'routine at FFFF:0000 Hex END SUB ==============================8< Cut Here 8<============================== There ya go, תש [-M-H-B-] שת --- GoldED 2.40 * Origin: MotherShip Portholes, Portland Oregon (1:105/319.32)
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