BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 10-06-92 (16:08) Number: 326 From: JOHN GALLAS Refer#: NONE To: TIM FITZGERALD Recvd: NO Subj: Dynamic Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
TF>need to load the entire screen into a single array variable but TF>naturally I get an "Out of String Space" error. Making the variable TF>OPEN "SCREEN.ANS" FOR BINARY AS #1 TF>ScrSize = LOF(1) TF>REDIM AnsiScreen(1 TO 1) AS STRING * ScrSize TF>GET #1 , , AnsiScreen(1)) TF>CLOSE #1 TF>PrintString (AnsiScreen(1)) TF>Does anybody know a way around this? Yep! You just have to shrink down the buffer size that the ansi screen is loaded in to. Try this: OPEN "SCREEN.ANS" FOR BINARY AS #1 Buffer$ = STRING$(256, 0) 'read in 256 bytes at a time. DO UNTIL EOF(1) GET #1, , Buffer$ PrintString Buffer$ LOOP CLOSE #1 * OLX 2.1 TD * This will delete all files! Proceed (Y/Y)? --- RyPacker v2.5 * Origin: The Ghost Mode - An RyBBS System! (612)-688-0026 (1:282/3006)
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