BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 10-02-92 (07:05) Number: 340 From: REUVEN LAX Refer#: NONE To: FRANCOIS ROY Recvd: NO Subj: Re: positive integers Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
-=> Quoting Francois Roy to Reuven Lax <=- FR> I'm afraid you're out of luck for the unsigned 2-byte integer (I'd FR> like to get that one too), but for the small numbers, you can use a FR> character string and the ASC() function. The range is 0-255. Very FR> handy to store a small value in a 1-byte field in a file... dim SmInt as string * 1 SmInt = str$(NumUnder255) With the same idea I could write routines to handle numbers larger than QB can handle. Qb gives you numbers up to 8 bytes. With fixed length strings you can have numbers up to 32768 bytes long. --- Blue Wave/Max v2.10 [NR] * Origin: Software Expressions - Home of FastBucks (1:106/3.0)
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