BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 10-05-92 (18:17) Number: 400 From: ROBERT CHURCH Refer#: NONE To: MICHAEL BULL Recvd: NO Subj: *.msg format.. Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
I would _highly_ reccomend that you pick up the full set of FTS and FSC documents. They contain all information critical to the Fidonet developer. 'This is info is from FTS-0001.014. TYPE MsgHeader FromUser AS STRING * 36 ToUser AS STRING * 36 Subject AS STRING * 72 dateTime AS STRING * 20 'date and time of message creation 'example: "01 Jan 1991" + TIME$ timesRead AS INTEGER destNode AS INTEGER 'destination node origNode AS INTEGER 'original node cost AS INTEGER origNet AS INTEGER destNet AS INTEGER destZone AS INTEGER 'optional origZone AS INTEGER 'optional destPoint AS INTEGER 'optional origPoint AS INTEGER 'optional replyTo AS INTEGER 'message that this one's a reply to Attribute AS INTEGER 'attribute bits nextReply AS INTEGER END TYPE 'This structure will be followed by unbounded message text. 'The text is terminated by a NULL or, optionally, an EOF. -Rob --- Maximus 2.00 * Origin: Programmer's Palace BBS (1:105/330.3)
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