Easier to get...

Area:    Quik_Bas
  Msg:    #536
 Date:    06-16-92 14:05 (Public) 
 From:    Steve Gartrell           
 To:      All                      
 Subject: Easier to get...         
;Another way to defeat CTRL-ALT-DEL.  Much more
;boring, to me at least.  Works as is without
;modifying the previously posted QB/PDS source
;code 'cuz ALT-DEL doesn't generate a scan
  .MODEL  MEDIUM, basic


  PUBLIC  BASIC restvect, setvect

NoSoftBoot      PROC FAR
 EXTRN   SetUevent:PROC

 jmp     SHORT @F

Old09Int        dd      90909090h       ;; Storage for
     ;;  offset and seg
     ;;  of old 09h int

@@:     push    bp
 push    ax
 push    es
 push    bx
 in      al, 60h         ;; Check keyboard for delete key
 cmp     al, 53h
 jne     SHORT skip      ;; Ain't-back to key handler
 mov     bx, 0
 mov     es, bx
 mov     bx, 417h
 mov     al, es:[bx]
 and     al, 0Ch
 cmp     al, 0Ch         ;; Check for CTRL and ALT pressed
 jne     SHORT skip      ;; Uh-oh....

 and     al, 0FBh        ;; Turn the control key off-turning
 mov     es:[bx], al     ;;  alt off generates a scan code
                                ;;  which you don't want...
 push    dx
 push    cx
 call    SetUevent       ;;Set user event flag
 pop     cx
 pop     dx

skip:   popf
 pop     bx
 pop     es
 pop     ax
 pop     bp
 jmp     cs:Old09Int

NoSoftBoot      ENDP

setvect PROC FAR
 push    bp
 push    ax
 push    bx
 push    dx
 push    ds
 push    es
@@:     mov     ax, 0100h               ;; Flush the keyboard
 int     16h                     ;;   buffer before
 jz      @F                      ;;   changing the 09h
 xor     ax, ax                  ;;   interrupt vector
 int     16h
 jmp     @B
@@:     mov     ax, 3509h                     ;; Load Get vector
 int     21h                           ;;  DOS interrupt
 mov     WORD PTR cs:Old09Int, bx      ;; Save the offset
 mov     WORD PTR cs:Old09Int +2, es   ;; Save the segment
 push    cs                            ;; Code seg to DS
 pop     ds
 lea     dx, NoSoftBoot          ;; Get handler offset
 mov     ax, 2509h               ;; Load set handler
 int     21h                     ;;  DOS interrupt
 pop     es
 pop     ds
 pop     dx
 pop     bx
 pop     ax
 pop     bp
setvect         ENDP

restvect PROC FAR
 push    bp
 push    ax
 push    bx
 push    ds
 lds     dx, cs:Old09Int       ;; Restore original
          ;;  key handler by
 mov     ax, 2509h             ;;  calling DOS set
 int     21h                   ;;  vector function
 pop     ds
 pop     bx
 pop     ax
 pop     bp
restvect        ENDP



--- DB B1073/071082
 * Origin: RadioLink! Columbus, OH (614)766-2162 HST/DS (1:226/140)

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