BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 09-12-92 (11:26) Number: 254 From: TONY ELLIOTT Refer#: NONE To: WALTON DELL Recvd: NO Subj: CGA or Mono? Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Walton, WD> How can I tell if a mono or color moniter is being used, >WITHOUT using ON ERROR? Right now I just use ON ERROR with >a WIDTH 40 (can still use NOGRAPH.OBJ), but I'd like to be >able to stub out error traping! The bottom line is ... You can't. At least, not 100% accurately. You can easily determine the type of video -adapter- present, but not the type of monitor attached. This is what I do, and it works 99% of the time: DECLARE FUNCTION IsAColor% () IF IsAColor% THEN PRINT "A color "; ELSE PRINT "A b/w "; END IF PRINT "monitor is attached" END FUNCTION IsAColor% () DEF SEG = 0 VidMode% = PEEK(&H449) 'Current video mode DEF SEG SELECT CASE VidMode% CASE 0,2 'Black & White 40/80 Column Result% = 0 CASE 1,3 'Color 40/80 Column Result% = -1 CASE 7 'Monochrome (b/w) Result% = 0 CASE ELSE 'Must be Graphics .. assume B/W Result% = 0 END SELECT IsAColor% = Result% END FUNCTION Before someone points it out to be, the above code can be reduced to just a couple of lines. I wrote it like this to make it clear and easy to understand. The start-up system video mode is defined by either jumpers/switches on your motherboard, or a field in the CMOS configuration table. After the system boot, these video modes can be changed using the DOS "MODE" utility. For example: MODE bw40 'Sets video mode 0 MODE bw80 'Mode 1 MODE co40 'Mode 2 MODE co80 'Mode 3 MODE MONO 'Mode 7 Most commercial apps (including Norton, PCTools, etc.) determine if the adapter/monitor combination can display colors by these modes. If you want to know precisely what type of adapter is present (CGA/EGA/VGA/MONO/HERC, etc.), I've got code for that, too ... As does most commercial and shareware libraries. Hope this helps! Tony ___ X 1st 1.01b #1030s X I remember when Saturns were rockets, not cars. --- Maximus 2.01wb * Origin: Oakland BBS (1:133/706)
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