BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 09-10-92 (11:40) Number: 242 From: RICK PEDLEY Refer#: NONE To: BRIAN CUNNINGHAM Recvd: NO Subj: Animation Timing Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
On 09-08-92 Matt Hart wrote to Brian Cunningham... BC> BC> using a ON TIMER stament to interrupt a DO..LOOP after two BC> BC> the way - is there any way to get an accurate fraction of a BC> second pause BC> The ON TIMER event only checks after every statement BC> executes, and bloats your code pretty badly. Look into BC> adding a timer look at the points you need it, perhaps BC> drawing your stuff, setting a variable to the next TIMER BC> setting it needs to look at: BC> BC> DrawRoutine: BC> drawstuff BC> NextEvent# = TIMER+.05# ' 5 100's of a second BC> RETURN BC> BC> DO BC> drawstuff BC> DO UNTIL TIMER>NextEvent# BC> keycheck$=inkey$ BC> if len(keycheck$) then gosub dokeystuff BC> LOOP BC> LOOP Here's something else that might work. The WAIT &H3DA, 8 statement waits for a vertical blank to occur before continuing program execution, and these occur 60 times per second. So to put a 1/15th of a second pause between frames in an animation sequence, you could do this (soodoughcode): Move something FOR x = 1 TO 4 WAIT &H3DA, 8 NEXT x Move it again An added advantage besides the constant VBL rate on different computers (because it's tied to the video firmware and not the CPU), is that waiting for a vertical blank to occur before drawing will eliminate most or all of the flicker you would normally see (i.e. objects only partly drawn before it's time to put the next one on the screen). Try this program with and without the WAIT I've REM'd out 5 lines from the bottom: 'ROTBOX by R. Pedley, 92-03-16 'Rotates a small square on screen using two video pages to reduce flicker. DEFINT A-Z CONST AspectCorrection! = .73 'Pixels are taller than they are wide -- ' adjust for various graphics modes. ' This ratio is about right for my monitor. HalfDiagonal = 75 'Determines size of square. CenterX = 320: CenterY = 175 ' - on a 0-639 x 0-349 screen. ULX = CenterX - HalfDiagonal: IF ULX < 0 THEN ULX = 0 'Keeps coords of ULY = CenterY - HalfDiagonal: IF ULY < 0 THEN ULY = 0 ' box to fill and LRX = CenterX + HalfDiagonal: IF ULX > 639 THEN ULX = 639' clear old image. LRY = CenterY + HalfDiagonal: IF ULY > 349 THEN ULY = 349 DIM Sine!(0 TO 359), Cosine!(0 TO 359) 'Pre-calc all sine FOR Angle = 0 TO 359 ' & cosine values. Radian! = Angle * .01745 '(rads per degree) Sine!(Angle) = SIN(Radian!) * HalfDiagonal * AspectCorrection! Cosine!(Angle) = COS(Radian!) * HalfDiagonal NEXT Angle SCREEN 9, 0 'EGA: 640 x 350 x 16 colors. COLOR 1, 1 'Blue on blue. CLS ActivePage = 1 'Page on which drawing takes place. VisiblePage = 0 'Page you're looking at. SCREEN , , ActivePage, VisiblePage 'draw first box on page you can't see. DO FOR Angle = 0 TO 89 LINE (ULX, ULY)-(LRX, LRY), 1, BF 'Clear just the box area, ' much faster than CLS. y1 = CenterY + Sine!(Angle) x1 = CenterX + Cosine!(Angle) y2 = CenterY + Sine!(Angle + 90) x2 = CenterX + Cosine!(Angle + 90) y3 = CenterY + Sine!(Angle + 180) x3 = CenterX + Cosine!(Angle + 180) y4 = CenterY + Sine!(Angle + 270) x4 = CenterX + Cosine!(Angle + 270) LINE (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), 15 LINE (x2, y2)-(x3, y3), 15 LINE (x3, y3)-(x4, y4), 15 LINE (x4, y4)-(x1, y1), 15 PAINT (CenterX, CenterY), 15 CIRCLE (CenterX, CenterY), 5, 0, , , AspectCorrection! PAINT (CenterX, CenterY), 0, 0 ActivePage = ActivePage - 1 - 2 * (ActivePage = 0) '0 <--> 1 VisiblePage = VisiblePage - 1 - 2 * (ActivePage = 0) '1 <--> 0 'WAIT &H3DA, 8 '<<<<---- Run, then remove the REM and run again. SCREEN , , ActivePage, VisiblePage 'switch active/visible page. IF LEN(INKEY$) THEN EXIT DO NEXT Angle LOOP ... OFFLINE 1.40 * Stalker: One who hunts vegetables. --- Maximus 2.01wb * Origin: The BULLpen BBS * Intel 14.4EX (613)549-5168 (1:249/140)
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