BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 08-07-92 (18:45) Number: 119 From: TIM HERUM Refer#: NONE To: STEVE MATHIESON Recvd: NO Subj: Squish stuff Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Steve, Here is the hash calculation used in the Squish index file. I'll also send the timestamp and attribute formats in a separate message. Hope this help. (I sent this Netmail also, but I routed it and have had some trouble with that so thought I better send it here also). Let me know if you need anymore help. The 'To:' field need to be padded with CHR$(0)'s for compatability with other programs that use the Squish database. --------------------------8< Cut here 8<------------------------------------- DEFINT A-Z DECLARE FUNCTION HashCalc& (TmpStr$) FUNCTION HashCalc& (TmpStr$) TmpStr$ = LCASE$(TmpStr$) FOR Counter = 1 TO LEN(TmpStr$) TmpVal# = VAL("&H" + RIGHT$(HEX$(TmpVal#) + "0", 8)) + REM This line scrolled, so append it ASC(MID$(TmpStr$, Counter, 1)) IF TmpVal# > 2147483647# THEN TmpVal# = TmpVal# - 4294967296# LftMst$ = LEFT$(RIGHT$("00000000" + HEX$(TmpVal#), 8), 1) TmpVal# = TmpVal# OR VAL("&H" + LftMst$ + "0") NEXT Counter TmpVal# = TmpVal# AND VAL("&H7FFFFFFF") HashCalc = TmpVal# END FUNCTION --------------------------8< Cut here 8<------------------------------------- ->Tim Herum<- --- Squiggy .830 * Origin: I'd give a shit -- If you'ld take it! (1:124/1014.0)
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