BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 08-08-92 (19:11) Number: 121 From: BILL CAMPBELL Refer#: NONE To: AL LAWRENCE Recvd: NO Subj: Days of the Week Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
' This program can only work for years 1901 to 2099 because the ' years 1900 and 2100 are not leap years. I could fix this but -' WHY ? I won't be here to take the fall for problems encouterred ' in 2100 ! usedate$ = DATE$ CLS PRINT " (I)nput your own date or (U)se today's date" x$ = "" DO: x$ = INKEY$ IF x$ = "I" OR x$ = "i" OR x$ = "U" OR x$ = "u" THEN EXIT DO LOOP IF x$ = "i" OR x$ = "I" THEN LOCATE 2, 1 PRINT "DAY - MONTH - YEAR" PRINT "## ## ####" ROW = 3: mydate$ = "": column = 1: flag = 0: SETLENGTH = 8 LOCATE 3, 1: COLOR 12, 0 BuildDate: select$ = "" DO WHILE select$ <> CHR$(13) AND flag < SETLENGTH select$ = INKEY$ IF flag = 0 THEN column = 1 ELSEIF flag = 1 THEN column = 2 ELSEIF flag = 2 THEN column = 8 ELSEIF flag = 3 THEN column = 9 ELSEIF flag > 3 THEN column = flag + 11 END IF IF flag = 0 AND select$ > "3" THEN GOTO BuildDate IF flag = 2 AND select$ > "1" THEN GOTO BuildDate IF flag = 4 AND select$ > "2" THEN GOTO BuildDate IF select$ > CHR$(47) AND select$ < CHR$(58) THEN GOTO GotChar GOTO BuildDate GotChar: LOCATE ROW, column: PRINT select$ flag = flag + 1: mydate$ = mydate$ + select$ IF flag = 2 OR flag = 4 THEN mydate$ = mydate$ + "-" LOOP PRINT "mydate$ = "; mydate$ usedate$ = mydate$ END IF COLOR 7, 0 DIM days$(7) days$(1) = "Sunday": days$(2) = "Monday": days$(3) = "Tuesday" days$(4) = "Wednesday": days$(5) = "Thursday": days$(6) = "Friday" days$(7) = "Saturday" DIM month$(12, 2) month$(1, 1) = "January": month$(1, 2) = "31" month$(2, 1) = "February": month$(2, 2) = "28" month$(3, 1) = "March": month$(3, 2) = "31" month$(4, 1) = "April": month$(4, 2) = "30" month$(5, 1) = "May": month$(5, 2) = "31" month$(6, 1) = "June": month$(6, 2) = "30" month$(7, 1) = "July": month$(7, 2) = "31" month$(8, 1) = "August": month$(8, 2) = "31" month$(9, 1) = "September": month$(9, 2) = "30" month$(10, 1) = "October": month$(10, 2) = "31" month$(11, 1) = "November": month$(11, 2) = "30" month$(12, 1) = "December": month$(12, 2) = "31" ' The first day of the year can only fall on one of seven choices ' which will set the sequence for the rest of the year. ' Each of those choices may or may not fall in a leap year thus ' doubling your possible yeartypes to 14. DIM DayYearStarted$(14) ' 1 = sunday and 7 = saturday as per the array days$ FOR startday = 1 TO 7 DayYearStarted$(startday) = days$(startday) DayYearStarted$(startday + 7) = days$(startday) NEXT startday --- Maximus 2.00 * Origin: Durham Systems (ONLINE!) (1:229/110)
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Back to BASIC: The History, Corruption, and Future of the Language
Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution (including Tiny BASIC)
Go to: The Story of the Math Majors, Bridge Players, Engineers, Chess Wizards, Scientists and Iconoclasts who were the Hero Programmers of the Software Revolution
The Advent of the Algorithm: The Idea that Rules the World
Moths in the Machine: The Power and Perils of Programming
Mastering Visual Basic .NET