BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 03-02-94 (00:16) Number: 377 From: PETER MIKALAJUNAS Refer#: NONE To: JEFFREY ZAPATKA Recvd: NO Subj: .PCX 1/2 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
JZ>Can Anyone help me with a routinie or file to give an JZ>example on how I'd JZ>begin (or do it) to view a .PCX file JZ>in my QuickBASIC Program? JZ> - Jeffrey JZ>Zapatka ' Date: Mon 10-18-93 From: FRANCOIS ROY To: PETER MIKALAJUNAS ' Subject: Re: Using PCX images ' This code was posted via Fido Basic7 echo to me ' I have no idea if the author is or is not Francois Roy ' nor do I know if it is public domain, but I assume so. ' I might also add, that I recently saw the code to read a PCX file ' posted in C. It has some very good comments and explains quite a bit ' about the PCX format. I will try and grab just the comments and post ' them separately. In the meantime, this should get you going. DECLARE SUB SetPalette (pcxpal$) DECLARE SUB SelectScreen () DECLARE SUB ReadPcxLine (PcxFile%, TotalBytes%, ScanLine%()) DECLARE SUB ReadPcxByte (PcxFile%, value%) DECLARE SUB OpenPcxFile (PcxName$, xsize%, ysize%, TotalBytes%, pcxpal$) DECLARE SUB ShowPcx (PcxName$) DEFINT A-Z TYPE PCXHeaderStruc Manufacxturer AS STRING * 1 Version AS STRING * 1 Encoding AS STRING * 1 BitsPerPixel AS STRING * 1 xmin AS INTEGER ymin AS INTEGER xmax AS INTEGER ymax AS INTEGER Hres AS INTEGER Vres AS INTEGER ColorMap AS STRING * 48 Reserved1 AS STRING * 1 NumPlanes AS STRING * 1 BytesPerLine AS INTEGER PaletteType AS INTEGER HScrSize AS INTEGER VScrSize AS INTEGER Resreved2 AS STRING * 54 END TYPE DIM SHARED PCXheader AS PCXHeaderStruc DIM SHARED PcxFile DIM SHARED ScrMode, ScrMaxX, ScrMaxY DIM SHARED ScrMaxColor, ScrBitsPerPixel DIM SHARED Byte AS STRING * 1 DIM SHARED MaxScrMode SCREEN 0 Cm$ = COMMAND$ IF Cm$ = "" THEN PRINT "Please enter the complete name of the pcx file" END END IF CALL ShowPcx(Cm$) NoVGA: MaxScrMode = 9 ' the following section was not part of the original post SCREEN 0 Version = ASC(PCXheader.Version) plan = ASC(PCXheader.NumPlanes) xsize = PCXheader.xmax - PCXheader.xmin + 1 ysize = PCXheader.ymax - PCXheader.ymin + 1 ' there appears to be a bug somewhere in this source code ' it sometimes incorrectly identifies the size and the planes ' also it does not always correctly display the palette ' however it does work, so it is a good starting point ' that is why I added this section to the original post. PRINT "info retrieved" PRINT "PCX_Version"; Version PRINT "Planes"; plan PRINT "Xsize"; xsize PRINT "Ysize"; ysize SUB OpenPcxFile (PcxName$, xsize, ysize, TotalBytes, pcxpal$) PcxFile = FREEFILE OPEN PcxName$ FOR BINARY AS #PcxFile GET #PcxFile, 1, PCXheader pcxpal$ = LEFT$(PCXheader.ColorMap + STRING$(768, 0), 768) IF ASC(PCXheader.Version) = 5 THEN SEEK #PcxFile, LOF(PcxFile) - 768& GET #PcxFile, , Byte IF ASC(Byte) = 12 THEN GET #PcxFile, , pcxpal$ END IF xsize = PCXheader.xmax - PCXheader.xmin + 1 ysize = PCXheader.ymax - PCXheader.ymin + 1 TotalBytes = ASC(PCXheader.NumPlanes) * PCXheader.BytesPerLine END SUB SUB ReadPcxByte (PcxFile, value) STATIC count, CountValue, BufferLOC, Buffer$ IF count > 0 THEN value = CountValue count = count - 1 ELSE IF BufferLOC > LEN(Buffer$) OR LEN(Buffer$) = 0 THEN BufferLEN& = LOF(PcxFile) - LOC(PcxFile) IF BufferLEN& > 15000 THEN BufferLEN& = 15000 END IF IF BufferLEN& <= 0 OR EOF(PcxFile) THEN EXIT SUB END IF Buffer$ = SPACE$(BufferLEN&) GET #PcxFile, , Buffer$ BufferLOC = 1 END IF value = ASC(MID$(Buffer$, BufferLOC, 1)) BufferLOC = BufferLOC + 1 IF value >= 192 THEN count = value - 193 IF BufferLOC >= LEN(Buffer$) THEN BufferLEN& = LOF(PcxFile) - LOC(PcxFile) IF BufferLEN& > 15000 THEN BufferLEN& = 15000 END IF IF BufferLEN& <= 0 OR EOF(PcxFile) THEN EXIT SUB END IF Buffer$ = SPACE$(BufferLEN&) GET #PcxFile, , Buffer$ BufferLOC = 1 END IF CountValue = ASC(MID$(Buffer$, BufferLOC, 1)) BufferLOC = BufferLOC + 1 value = CountValue END IF END IF END SUB SUB ReadPcxLine (PcxFile, TotalBytes, ScanLine()) zero$ = CHR$(0) index = LBOUND(ScanLine) + 2 count = 0 DO ReadPcxByte PcxFile, pixels ScanLine(index) = pixels IF count = TotalBytes THEN EXIT DO ReadPcxByte PcxFile, pixels ScanLine(index) = ScanLine(index) + CVI(zero$ + CHR$(pixels)) count = count + 2 index = index + 1 LOOP WHILE count < TotalBytes END SUB >>> Continued to next message * SLMR 2.1a * Back Up My Hard Drive? I Can't Find The Reverse Switch! --- GEcho 1.00 * Origin: The Hideaway BBS 708.748.1911 HST/V32bis (1:115/748)
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