BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 02-19-94 (07:51) Number: 391 From: RON PIERCE Refer#: 369 To: ADRIAN WALKER Recvd: NO Subj: Inputing beyond eof Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
AW>My problem is that every so often the input file contains an ASCII 26 AW>(right arrow) which the program then reads as an EOF, and will not input AW>beyond that point. Adrian, you will find relief by creating a buffer to read the contents of the file into then scan the buffer to retrieve each LINE of text (assuming the file you are reading is a CR/LF delimited TEXT file). You will need to track the buffer position AND the file position. ' ============================================================ ============= Fhandl% = FREEFILE Fptr& = 0 Done% = 0 cr$ = CHR$(13) OPEN MyTxtFile$ FOR BINARY ACCESS READ SHARED AS #Fhandl% Size& = LOF(Fhandl%) DO Blen% = 4096 IF Size& - Fptr& < Blen% THEN Blen% = Size& - Fptr& Done% = -1 END IF Buffer$ = STRING$(Blen%, 32) GET #Fhandl%,,Buffer$ Fptr& = SEEK(Fhandl%) BufPtr% = 1 DO a% = INSTR(BufPtr%, Buffer$, cr$) IF a% > 0 THEN Text$ = MID$(Buffer$, BufPtr%, a% - BufPtr%) ' Do something With text$ now... BufPtr% = a% + 2 ' SKip over the CHR$(10) after the cr$ ELSE ' Now you should have the picture. When there is NO cr$ found ' in the buffer you can either backup the file pointer (Fptr&) ' To just after the last string retrieved by subtracting the ' remaining bytes in Buffer$ from Fptr& or use the remaining ' bytes in buffer$ at the beginning of your next buffer$ EXIT DO END IF LOOP LOOP UNTIL Done% CLOSE Fhandl% ' ================================================================= I hope this helps a bit. Code untested but should give you some insight on buffering a text file. Ron Pierce $$60 --- Maximus 2.01wb * Origin: Imperial Rome * Welcome to the Empire (1:229/424)
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