BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 02-13-94 (08:56) Number: 298 From: STEVE DEMO Refer#: 61 To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Graphics Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'Below you will find code to do Sprite annimation in Basic that should 'work except that it is picking up a random error somewhere. I am 'asumeing it could be just the way Basic stores GET arrays If you can 'shed some light on this I would appreciate it VERY much. ' '* Contents of a *Array* obtained by GET : first 2 bytes Headder info ' Color's in a *INTEGER ARRAY* break down to the following in ' Screen mode 13 : 1 = 257, 2 = 514,3 = 771, 4 = 1028, 5 = 1285, ect.. ' as you can see all divisable by 257 evenly . ' (well they should be read on) ' 'Thanks Steve Demo ' '$DYNAMIC DEFINT A-Z SCREEN 13 size% = 328 '** get size of Array REDIM Array%(0 TO size%) '** Allocate Array size REDIM Array2%(0 TO size%) '** CIRCLE (165, 100), 9, 4 '** Draws a face. PAINT (165, 100), 90, 4 CIRCLE (165, 100), 8, 4, 0, 3.14 CIRCLE (165, 100), 9, 90, 3.14, 6.28 CIRCLE (162, 99), 3, 1 PAINT (162, 99), 0, 1 CIRCLE (168, 99), 3, 1 PAINT (168, 99), 0, 1 CIRCLE (165, 103), 3, 1, 3.43, 5.83 BEEP: SLEEP GET (150, 90)-(180, 110), Array%(0) '** Grab face PAINT (1, 1), 7 '** Draw BackGround GET (150, 90)-(180, 110), Array2%(0) '** Grab GackGround FOR x = 0 TO size% '** Create Sprite IF Array%(x) >= 257 THEN Array2%(x) = Array%(x) '** Swap Non 0 with NEXT x '** Face Array PUT (150, 90), Array2%(0), PSET '*** place the Array LINE (150, 90)-(180, 110), 10, B '*** just to show what Array contains *** BEEP: SLEEP '** Display The contents of the combined Array '** dont need to see the first 2 bytes of sprite '** they are Headder info only SCREEN 0: WIDTH 80 FOR x = 3 TO size% PRINT Array2%(x), x, INT(Array2%(x) / 257); IF Array2%(x) MOD 257 THEN PRINT "<---Error something Screwy in St.Louie"; a$ = INPUT$(1) PRINT IF a$ = CHR$(27) THEN END NEXT x PRINT "Whats up doc ?" END $$57 -G --- Maximus 2.01wb * Origin: The International Saskatoon,SK CANADA(306)384-7685 (1:140/15)
Books at Amazon:
Back to BASIC: The History, Corruption, and Future of the Language
Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution (including Tiny BASIC)
Go to: The Story of the Math Majors, Bridge Players, Engineers, Chess Wizards, Scientists and Iconoclasts who were the Hero Programmers of the Software Revolution
The Advent of the Algorithm: The Idea that Rules the World
Moths in the Machine: The Power and Perils of Programming
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