BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 09-22-93 (17:04) Number: 21 From: IAN REMMLER Refer#: NONE To: CALVIN FRENCH Recvd: NO Subj: CUBE.BAS (1/2) Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Hey Calvin! Well, here's a little example of how I accomplished 3D rotation. Like I said, I'm not sure this is exactly how it's supposed to be done, but the cube rotates and it stays the shape of a cube so I guess it's good enough. I didn't take the time to comment it so if you don't understand why I did something just ask. '>>> Page 1 of CUBE.BAS begins here. TYPE:BAS DEFINT A-Z CONST PI = 3.14159265358979# TYPE coord x1 AS INTEGER y1 AS INTEGER z1 AS INTEGER x2 AS INTEGER y2 AS INTEGER z2 AS INTEGER END TYPE DIM pnt(11) AS coord DIM rot(1, 11) AS coord DIM tmp AS coord DIM sn&(359), cs&(359) FOR n = 0 TO 11 READ pnt(n).x1, pnt(n).y1, pnt(n).z1, pnt(n).x2, pnt(n).y2, pnt(n)..z2 NEXT SCREEN 9 WINDOW (-320, -240)-(320, 240) FOR n = 0 TO 359 sn&(n) = SIN(n / 180 * PI) * 1024 cs&(n) = COS(n / 180 * PI) * 1024 NEXT sx = SGN(RND - .5) sy = SGN(RND - .5) GOSUB RandRot DO s = 1 - s SCREEN , , s, 1 - s FOR n = 0 TO 11 LINE (rot(s, n).x1, rot(s, n).y1)-(rot(s, n).x2, rot(s, n).y2), 0 NEXT x = x + 10 * sx: y = y + 10 * sy IF ABS(x) > 240 THEN sx = -sx: GOSUB RandRot IF ABS(y) > 140 THEN sy = -sy: GOSUB RandRot a = (a + da) MOD 360: b = (b + db) MOD 360: c = (c + dc) MOD 360 FOR n = 0 TO 11 'The following are based on these 2 formulas 'xnew = cos(angle)*x + sin(angle)*y 'ynew = -sin(angle)*x + cos(angle)*y tmp.z1 = (cs&(a) * pnt(n).z1 + sn&(a) * pnt(n).y1) / 1024 tmp.y1 = (-sn&(a) * pnt(n).z1 + cs&(a) * pnt(n).y1) / 1024 tmp.z2 = (cs&(a) * pnt(n).z2 + sn&(a) * pnt(n).y2) / 1024 tmp.y2 = (-sn&(a) * pnt(n).z2 + cs&(a) * pnt(n).y2) / 1024 tmp.x1 = (cs&(b) * pnt(n).x1 + sn&(b) * tmp.z1) / 1024 rot(s, n).z1 = (-sn&(b) * pnt(n).x1 + cs&(b) * tmp.z1) / 1024 tmp.x2 = (cs&(b) * pnt(n).x2 + sn&(b) * tmp.z2) / 1024 rot(s, n).z2 = (-sn&(b) * pnt(n).x2 + cs&(b) * tmp.z2) / 1024 rot(s, n).x1 = (cs&(c) * tmp.x1 + sn&(c) * tmp.y1) / 1024 + x rot(s, n).y1 = (-sn&(c) * tmp.x1 + cs&(c) * tmp.y1) / 1024 + y rot(s, n).x2 = (cs&(c) * tmp.x2 + sn&(c) * tmp.y2) / 1024 + x rot(s, n).y2 = (-sn&(c) * tmp.x2 + cs&(c) * tmp.y2) / 1024 + y LINE (rot(s, n).x1, rot(s, n).y1)-(rot(s, n).x2, rot(s, n).y2), 1 NEXT LOOP UNTIL LEN(INKEY$) END RandRot: '>>> Page 1 of CUBE.BAS ends here. Continued on next page. --- Blue Wave/QBBS v2.12 [NR] * Origin: Dusty's Palace (210)-625-4479 New Braunfels, TX (1:387/1001.0)
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