BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 06-14-93 (11:54) Number: 398 From: PETER BARNEY Refer#: NONE To: GERALD RICHTER Recvd: NO Subj: CGA136.BAS 5/6 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'>>> Start of page 5. SUB Pput (x1, y1, v(), M) IF M = 1 THEN M = 0 ELSE M = 256 x2 = x1 + v(1): Y2 = y1 + v(2): P = 3 FOR y = y1 TO Y2 FOR x = x1 TO x2 IF v(P) <> M THEN PixSet x, y, v(P) P = P + 1 NEXT NEXT END SUB SUB SaveScreen (f$) BSAVE f$, 0, &H3F1E END SUB FUNCTION Sequence (PickCol) ' ' This was designed for the 136-color mode ' ' places colors in Sequence order. Used by this program to make a nifty ' color arrangement, not very usable in your programs. ' SELECT CASE PickCol + 1 CASE 1: Colr = 0 CASE 2: Colr = 8 CASE 3: Colr = 1 CASE 4: Colr = 9 CASE 5: Colr = 3 CASE 6: Colr = 11 CASE 7: Colr = 2 CASE 8: Colr = 10 CASE 9: Colr = 6 CASE 10: Colr = 14 CASE 11: Colr = 4 CASE 12: Colr = 12 CASE 13: Colr = 5 CASE 14: Colr = 13 CASE 15: Colr = 7 CASE 16: Colr = 15 CASE ELSE END SELECT Sequence = Colr END FUNCTION SUB Setup 'Color/Graphics Adapter Definitions MODEREG = &H3D8: COLORREG = &H3D9 'control registers MODESAVE = &H465: COLORSAVE = &H466 'BIOS saves the regs ' here CRTREG = &H3D4: CRTDATA = &H3D5 '6845 CRT controller ' regs 'set up Color/Graphics Adapter for 160- by 100-block graphics DEF SEG = 0: SMode = 0 POKE MODESAVE, SMode: OUT MODEREG, SMode POKE COLORSAVE, 0: OUT COLORREG, 0 'Load new parameters into 6845 CRT controller RESTORE FOR REGISTER = 0 TO 11 READ REGDATA OUT CRTREG, REGISTER: OUT CRTDATA, REGDATA NEXT 'set mode for 80 column color enable HIRES = 1: GRAPH = 2: BW = 4 'Mode register bits VIDEO = 8: G640 = 16: BLINK = 32 'Mode register bits SMode = HIRES + VIDEO POKE MODESAVE, SMode: OUT MODEREG, SMode DEF SEG = &HB800 END SUB FUNCTION Spectral (PickCol) ' 'converts ordered color numbers to a Spectrum --19 of 25 used ' ' This will give you the number of the color on the spectrum ' Example: ' x=Spectral(10) ' will give you the 10th color of the Spectrum '>>> Continued on page 6 * Call PTS! * Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more, say no more! --- TMail v1.31.3 * Origin: Programmer's Tech Shop - Toledo, Ohio (1:234/56)
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