BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 06-14-93 (11:54) Number: 394 From: PETER BARNEY Refer#: NONE To: GERALD RICHTER Recvd: NO Subj: CGA136.BAS 1/6 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
GR>Is there a way to run a CGA card in 16-color mode? 4- GR>colors is kinda tiring! >and does the code work with qb 4.00? If you've got some, send some. Thanx. The following messages are some code that I was working on a couple years ago when I had a cga monitor. Included are a 16-color mode and a 136-color mode. This should get you started in the right direction. '________O_/________________________| SNIP |______________________\_O_______ ' O \ | HERE | / O 'This file created by PostIt! v6.0. '>>> Start of page 1. DECLARE SUB Moire () DECLARE SUB Demo () DECLARE SUB GPrint (A$, x%, y%, Colr%, Size%) DECLARE SUB Mode (M%, BG%) DECLARE SUB PCircle (x%, y%, r%, c%) DECLARE FUNCTION PixColr% (x%, y%) DECLARE SUB PixSet (x%, y%, Colr%) DECLARE SUB SaveScreen (f$) DECLARE FUNCTION Sequence% (PickCol%) DECLARE SUB Setup () DECLARE FUNCTION Spectral% (PickCol%) DECLARE SUB TextDemo () DIM SHARED ModeNum SCREEN 0 '=================== Main Code =================== Begin: Setup ' this creates the screen modes (do this only once) Mode 136, 0 ' or Mode 136 , Color ' This is where you would add your code. Demo TextDemo Done: SOUND 1160, 2 SLEEP WHILE INKEY$ = "": WEND SCREEN 0, 0 END '================= End Main Code ================= ' ' 'initial data for 6845 chip (80 x 100 pixels) ' DATA 113: 'register 0 horizontal total DATA 80: 'register 1 horizontal displayed DATA 90: 'register 2 horizontal sync position DATA 10: 'register 3 horizontal sync width DATA 127: 'register 4 vertical total DATA 6: 'register 5 vertical adjust DATA 100: 'register 6 vertical displayed DATA 112: 'register 7 vertical sync position DATA 2: 'register 8 interlace mode (non-interlaced) DATA 1: 'register 9 maximum scan line address DATA 32: 'register 10 cursor start (32 makes cursor ' invisible) DATA 0: 'register 11 cursor end DEFINT A-Z SUB Demo 'draw screen (136 color demo) ' You MUST use this command to set up the screen properly. ' (note that the number may be changed, however) Mode 136, 0 ' draw Spectral circle FOR r = 0 TO 19 PCircle 60, 60, r, Spectral(r) NEXT 'this one shows how to blend the two colors FOR x = 0 TO 31 FOR y = 0 TO 63 c1 = Sequence(x \ 2 MOD 16) c2 = Sequence(y \ 4 MOD 16) Colr = c1 * 16 + c2 ' this blends ' color 1 with color 2 PixSet x, y, Colr NEXT '>>> Continued on page 2 * Call PTS! * If a tree fell on a deaf forester, would he make a sound? --- TMail v1.31.3 * Origin: Programmer's Tech Shop - Toledo, Ohio (1:234/56)
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