BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 06-13-93 (15:36) Number: 253 From: DAVE ARIGAN Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Pcode V1.0b 3/4 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
CLOSE #2 PRINT END SUB SUB encodeblock a& = SADD(buffer): a& = a& - 65536 * (a& < 0) bsegment = VARSEG(buffer) + (a& \ 16): boffset = (a& MOD 16) DEF SEG = bsegment FOR pointer = 0 TO block - 1 byte = PEEK(boffset + pointer) CALL crc16(byte) lscode(cpos) = byte MOD 92 mscode = mscode + (byte \ 92) * power power = power * 3 cpos = cpos + 1 IF cpos = 4 THEN CALL send(0) power = 1 cpos = 0 mscode = 0 END IF NEXT pointer END SUB SUB fileerror (errornum) CLS : PRINT "ERROR: "; IF errornum = 1 THEN PRINT "Bad CRC, file could be corrupt." IF errornum = 2 THEN PRINT "Source file not found." IF errornum = 3 THEN PRINT "Incorrect version." IF errornum = 4 THEN PRINT "Can't read file time/date." IF errornum = 5 THEN PRINT "Can't write file time/date." IF errornum = 6 THEN PRINT "Can't access file for I/O." IF errornum = 7 THEN PRINT "Source file too short." END END SUB SUB gettimedate (file$, time&, date&) handle = openh(file$) = &H5700 inreg.bx = handle CALL INTERRUPTX(&H21, inreg, outreg) time& = date& = outreg.dx IF outreg.flags AND 1 THEN CALL fileerror(4) CALL closeh(handle) END SUB FUNCTION openh (file$) f$ = file$ + CHR$(0) inreg.dx = SADD(f$) inreg.ds = VARSEG(f$) = &H3D02 CALL INTERRUPTX(&H21, inreg, outreg) IF outreg.flags AND 1 THEN CALL fileerror(6) openh = END FUNCTION SUB parsename (file$, ext$) ext$ = "" FOR a = LEN(file$) TO 1 STEP -1 IF INSTR(":\", MID$(file$, a, 1)) THEN file$ = MID$(file$, a + 1) EXIT FOR END IF NEXT a FOR a = LEN(file$) TO 1 STEP -1 IF MID$(file$, a, 1) = "." THEN ext$ = MID$(file$, a + 1) file$ = LEFT$(file$, a - 1) EXIT FOR END IF NEXT a END SUB SUB send (flag) STATIC IF NOT flag THEN lnpos = lnpos + 1 MID$(line$, lnpos) = CHR$(mscode + 35) FOR a = 1 TO cpos ... A feature is a bug with seniority. --- FMail 0.94 * Origin: CzarLand BBS * Windsor, ON * Canada (1:246/27.0)
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