BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 06-13-93 (15:37) Number: 252 From: DAVE ARIGAN Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Pcode V1.0b 2/4 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
crctt = crctt * 2 AND 65535 END SUB FUNCTION dec& (hexnum$) FOR i = 1 TO LEN(hexnum$) hexdigit = ASC(MID$(hexnum$, i, 1)) decnum& = decnum& * 16 + hexdigit - 48 + 7 * (hexdigit > 64) NEXT i dec& = decnum& END FUNCTION SUB decode decode1: INPUT #1, header$: version$ = LEFT$(header$, 7) IF version$ <> "pcode11" AND version$ <> "pcode12" THEN IF EOF(1) THEN CALL fileerror(3) ELSE GOTO decode1 END IF IF version$ = "pcode11" THEN ll = 280 ELSE ll = 260 length = dec&(MID$(header$, 8, 7)) crcorg& = dec&(MID$(header$, 15, 4)) ptime& = dec&(MID$(header$, 19, 4)) pdate& = dec&(MID$(header$, 23, 4)) outfile$ = RTRIM$(MID$(header$, 27, 8)) outfile$ = outfile$ + "." + RTRIM$(MID$(header$, 35, 3)) OPEN outfile$ FOR OUTPUT AS #2 LEN = 4096 lines = length * 5 \ ll + 1 FOR a = 1 TO lines decode2: LINE INPUT #1, buffer: buffer = RTRIM$(buffer) IF LEFT$(buffer, 2) <> "dA" THEN IF EOF(1) THEN CALL fileerror(7) ELSE GOTO decode2 END IF CALL decodeline NEXT a destlen = LOF(2): length = LOF(1) CLOSE #1, #2 CALL settimedate(outfile$, ptime&, pdate&) IF crcorg& <> crctt THEN CALL fileerror(1) END SUB SUB decodeline a& = SADD(buffer): a& = a& - 65536 * (a& < 0) bsegment = VARSEG(buffer) + (a& \ 16): boffset = (a& MOD 16) DEF SEG = bsegment FOR a = 2 TO LEN(buffer) - 1 code = PEEK(boffset + a) - 35 cpos = cpos - 1 IF cpos = -1 THEN cpos = 4: mscode = code ELSE byte = code + (mscode MOD 3) * 92 mscode = mscode \ 3 PRINT #2, CHR$(byte); CALL crc16(byte) END IF NEXT a END SUB SUB encode count& = length: block = 4096: power = 1: y = CSRLIN line$ = SPACE$(65): buffer = SPACE$(4096) outfile$ = infile$: CALL parsename(outfile$, ext$) OPEN outfile$ + ".pcd" FOR OUTPUT AS #2 LEN = 4096 PRINT #2, "pcode12"; RIGHT$("000000" + HEX$(length), 7); PRINT #2, "000000000000"; LEFT$(outfile$ + " ", 8); PRINT #2, LEFT$(ext$ + " ", 3) WHILE (count&) IF count& < block THEN block = count&: buffer = SPACE$(block) GET #1, , buffer CALL encodeblock count& = count& - block LOCATE , 1: PRINT "Bytes Left:"; STR$(count&); " "; WEND CALL send(1) CLOSE #1 CALL gettimedate(infile$, ptime&, pdate&) SEEK #2, 15: PRINT #2, RIGHT$("000" + HEX$(crctt), 4); PRINT #2, RIGHT$("000" + HEX$(ptime&), 4); PRINT #2, RIGHT$("000" + HEX$(pdate&), 4); destlen = LOF(2) ... RAM = Rarely Adequate Memory --- FMail 0.94 * Origin: CzarLand BBS * Windsor, ON * Canada (1:246/27.0)
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