BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 06-13-93 (15:35) Number: 251 From: DAVE ARIGAN Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Pcode V1.0b 1/4 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
' Pcode V1.0b - written by David Arigan ' ' Features: 16 bit CRCs ' Fast 7 bit encryption ' File Date/Time preservation ' Ignores extra line spacing and/or garbage ' ' Usage: QB /RUN PCODE.BAS /L LIB\QB.QLB ' ' $INCLUDE: '' DECLARE SUB parsename (file$, ext$) DECLARE SUB decode () DECLARE SUB decodeline () DECLARE SUB settimedate (file$, time&, date&) DECLARE SUB gettimedate (file$, time&, date&) DECLARE SUB crc16 (byte%) DECLARE SUB encodeblock () DECLARE SUB send (flag%) DECLARE SUB encode () DECLARE SUB closeh (handle%) DECLARE FUNCTION openh% (file$) DECLARE FUNCTION dec& (hexnum$) DECLARE SUB fileerror (errnum%) DEFINT A-Z DIM SHARED buffer AS STRING DIM SHARED bsegment AS INTEGER DIM SHARED boffset AS INTEGER DIM SHARED crctt AS LONG DIM SHARED length AS LONG DIM SHARED destlen AS LONG DIM SHARED lines AS INTEGER DIM SHARED block AS INTEGER DIM SHARED inreg AS RegTypeX DIM SHARED outreg AS RegTypeX DIM SHARED mscode AS INTEGER DIM SHARED lscode(0 TO 3) AS INTEGER DIM SHARED power AS INTEGER DIM SHARED cpos AS INTEGER DIM SHARED line$, infile$, outfile$ CLS PRINT "PCode V1.0 - written by David Arigan" PRINT PRINT "1) Encode file" PRINT "2) Decode file" PRINT "3) Quit" PRINT PRINT "Choice: "; : LOCATE , , 1 DO: a$ = INKEY$: LOOP UNTIL a$ = "1" OR a$ = "2" OR a$ = "3" PRINT a$ PRINT : LOCATE , , 0 IF a$ = "3" THEN CLS : END LINE INPUT "Source Filename: "; infile$ IF infile$ = "" THEN RUN PRINT IF a$ = "1" THEN OPEN infile$ FOR BINARY AS #1 IF a$ = "2" THEN OPEN infile$ FOR INPUT AS #1 length = LOF(1): IF length = 0 THEN CALL fileerror(2) IF a$ = "1" THEN CALL encode IF a$ = "2" THEN CALL decode PRINT "Total lines:"; lines PRINT "Source file length:"; length PRINT "Destination file length"; destlen PRINT "Ratio: "; LTRIM$(STR$(destlen * 100 \ length)); "%" END SUB closeh (handle) = &H3E00 inreg.bx = handle CALL INTERRUPTX(&H21, inreg, outreg) IF outreg.flags AND 1 THEN fileerror (6) END SUB SUB crc16 (byte) crctt = (crctt XOR byte * 256&) * 2 IF crctt AND 32768 THEN crctt = crctt XOR 4129 ... SENILE.COM found . . . Out Of Memory . . . --- FMail 0.94 * Origin: CzarLand BBS * Windsor, ON * Canada (1:246/27.0)
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