BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 06-10-93 (09:21) Number: 250 From: DAVE ARIGAN Refer#: NONE To: BENNETT HENDRY Recvd: NO Subj: Re: DIRS Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
-=> Quoting Bennett Hendry to All <=- BH> Does anybody know of a good way to read directories from a disk into a BH> variable? (like an array, perhaps?) I want to write a recursive BH> routine to remove an entire directory branch, with full BH> sub-directories, but I can't get the directory names into a variable BH> in order to work with them. ANY ideas would be appreciated. The following reads a directory using Qbasic. With some modifications, you should have no problems adapting it to your program. Remember, use: C:\QBASIC>qb /l lib\qb.qlb DEFINT A-Z '$INCLUDE: 'QB.BI' TYPE DataTransferArea Reserved1 AS STRING * 21 Attribute AS STRING * 1 FileTime AS INTEGER FileDate AS INTEGER FileSize AS LONG FIleName AS STRING * 13 END TYPE TYPE DirectoryRecord FIleName AS STRING * 13 FileSize AS LONG FileDate AS INTEGER FileTime AS INTEGER FileAttb AS INTEGER END TYPE DIM SHARED InRegsX AS RegTypeX DIM SHARED OutRegsX AS RegTypeX DIM SHARED DTA AS DataTransferArea DIM DirEntry AS DirectoryRecord CLS INPUT "Enter file specification: "; filespec$ CALL SetDTA(DTA) FindStatus = FindFirst(0, filespec$, DirEntry) CALL PrintDirEntry(DirEntry, FindStatus) FindStatus = FindNext(DirEntry) WHILE FindStatus = 0 CALL PrintDirEntry(DirEntry, FindStatus) FindStatus = FindNext(DirEntry) CALL SetDTA(DTA) WEND END FUNCTION FindFirst (Attr, FIleName$, DEntry AS DirectoryRecord) InRegsX.AX = &H4E00 InRegsX.CX = Attr Spec$ = FIleName$ + CHR$(0) InRegsX.DS = VARSEG(Spec$) ' Load DS:DX with InRegsX.DX = SADD(Spec$) ' address of Spec$ CALL InterruptX(&H21, InRegsX, OutRegsX) FindFirst = OutRegsX.AX IF (OutRegsX.Flags AND 1) = 0 THEN CALL TransferDTA2DIR(DEntry) FindFirst = 0 'Clear error condition setting END IF END FUNCTION FUNCTION FindNext (DEntry AS DirectoryRecord) DTA.FIleName = SPACE$(13) InRegsX.AX = &H4F00 CALL InterruptX(&H21, InRegsX, OutRegsX) FindNext = OutRegsX.AX IF (OutRegsX.Flags AND 1) = 0 THEN CALL TransferDTA2DIR(DEntry) FindNext = 0 END IF END FUNCTION FUNCTION FmtDate$ (FDate) Day = FDate AND &H1F Month = (FDate AND &H1E0) \ 32 Year = (FDate AND &HFE00) \ 512 + 1980 FmtDate$ = RStr$(Month, 2) + "-" + RStr$(Day, 2) + "-" + RStr$(Year, 4) END FUNCTION FUNCTION FmtTime$ (T%) Seconds = (T% AND &H1F) * 2 Minutes = (T% AND &H7E0) \ 32 Hours = (T% < 0) * (-16) + ((T% AND &H7FFF) \ 2048) Abbr$ = " am" IF Hours = 12 THEN Abbr$ = " pm" IF Hours = 0 THEN Hours = 12 IF Hours > 12 THEN Hours = Hours MOD 12 Abbr$ = " pm" END IF FmtTime$ = RStr$(Hours, 2) + ":" + RStr$(Minutes, 2) + ":" + RStr$(Seconds, 2) END FUNCTION SUB PrintDirEntry (DR AS DirectoryRecord, FindStatus) FmtStr$ = "\ \ ##,###,### " + "\ \ \ \ ###" IF FindStatus = 0 THEN PRINT USING FmtStr$; DR.FIleName; DR.FileSize; FmtDate$(DR.FileDate); FmtTime ELSE PRINT "Error on file lookup" SELECT CASE FindStatus CASE 2 PRINT "File not found" CASE 3 PRINT "Path not found" CASE 18 PRINT "Match not found" CASE ELSE PRINT "Unknown error #"; FindStatus END SELECT END IF END SUB FUNCTION RStr$ (X%, LX%) X$ = STR$(X%) RStr$ = RIGHT$("00000" + RIGHT$(X$, LEN(X$) - 1), LX%) END FUNCTION SUB SetDTA (DTA AS DataTransferArea) InRegsX.AX = &H1A00 InRegsX.DS = VARSEG(DTA) InRegsX.DX = VARPTR(DTA) CALL InterruptX(&H21, InRegsX, OutRegsX) END SUB SUB TransferDTA2DIR (DEntry AS DirectoryRecord) DEntry.FIleName = DTA.FIleName DEntry.FileSize = DTA.FileSize DEntry.FileDate = DTA.FileDate DEntry.FileTime = DTA.FileTime DEntry.FileAttb = ASC(DTA.Attribute) END SUB $$ ... It's only a hobby ... only a hobby ... only a --- FMail 0.94 * Origin: CzarLand BBS * Windsor, ON * Canada (1:246/27.0)
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