Ega Windows 1 of 4

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 06-13-93 (00:53)             Number: 365
From: STEVE DEMO                   Refer#: NONE
  To: ALL                           Recvd: NO  
Subj: Ega Windows 1 of 4             Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'______O_/__________________| SNIP |__________________\_O______
'      O \                  | HERE |                  / O

'>>> Start of page 1.

'I am working on a QWK reader could someone post some code
'on Reading and Writeing .REP packets ?
'These are the Window Routines I have come up with let me
'know what ya think. I'm useing them in my Reader Oh yeah it's EGA
'These Routines Are FREE to anyone who wants to Mangle them.
'I have included a Short Demo on how to call them. Have Fun
'Written By -----> Steve Demo
DECLARE SUB Pause (ticks%)
DECLARE SUB NewClear (Clur)
DECLARE SUB BackDrop (Clur)
DECLARE SUB box (x, y, xx, yy, Clur)
DECLARE SUB BoxFill (x, y, xx, yy, Clur)
DECLARE SUB GetColor (Clur, clur1, clur2)
DECLARE SUB ClacArray9 (num!, x, y, xx, yy) 'used for get and put
DECLARE SUB Rim (x, y, xx, yy, Clur, InOut) 'Notice that Rim
' Dosen't place the
    'Rim where you might think it is
    'offset by 2 to match up with the
    'Button Routine 1 for in else out
DECLARE SUB Button (x, y, xx, yy, Clour, InOut) 'declare the
' Inout as 1 for
'in and anything else for
'an out Button
DECLARE SUB ColorPrint (TEXT$, ROW%, COL%, FC%, BC%) 'Thanks to
' who ever
     'posted this routine
     'It's Great

WIDTH , 43

Button 40, 20, 600, 320, 7, 0
Button 45, 25, 595, 315, 7, 1
Button 50, 30, 590, 55, 7, 0
Button 55, 35, 585, 50, 7, 1
ColorPrint "File  Display    VGA    EGA   DEMO", 6, 10, 4, 7
Pause 18
Rim 300, 35, 360, 50, 7, 0
SOUND 100, 1: Pause 18
Rim 300, 35, 360, 50, 7, 1
SOUND 50, 1: Pause 18: NewClear 0

BoxFill 0, 0, 639, 349, 7
Button 3, 3, 632, 347, 7, 1
Button 14, 55, 620, 336, 7, 0
Button 14, 8, 480, 50, 7, 0
Button 18, 12, 476, 46, 7, 1
Button 25, 65, 605, 330, 7, 1
Button 35, 75, 595, 320, 1, 1
ColorPrint "EXIT   CONTINUE", 4, 5, 14, 7
Rim 25, 18, 70, 37, 7, 1
'draw clock body ***************
Button 490, 10, 602, 47, 7, 0'*
Button 499, 17, 593, 40, 7, 0'*
Rim 502, 20, 590, 37, 7, 1    '*
Clocks                        '*
'display first clock ***********
Rim 80, 18, 160, 37, 7, 1
Pause 18
Rim 80, 18, 160, 37, 7, 0
SOUND 100, 1: Pause 18
Rim 80, 18, 160, 37, 7, 1
SOUND 50, 1: Pause 18


BackDrop 15

'>>> Continued on page 2

___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.11

--- Maximus 2.01wb
 * Origin: Semper Fi BBS  Ft. Wayne, IN  (219) 424-4292 (1:236/21)
Outer Court
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