BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 06-12-93 (21:09) Number: 362 From: STEVE DEMO Refer#: NONE To: EARL MONTGOMERY Recvd: NO Subj: Baisc Code 1 of 3 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'______O_/__________________| SNIP |__________________\_O______ ' O \ | HERE | / O '>>> Start of page 1. 'Just a Quick Demo of ways to get areas of the Screen 13 into arrays 'and manipulate them. I know you can use get ect.. but I wanted to do 'it this way. These routines could be used in Loading Screens for Games 'although slow they are kinda neat. See ya Oh yes No Mickey this time. DEFINT A-Z '$DYNAMIC DIM DoitA(1 TO 16000) 'first 1/4 of 1st screen DIM Doitb(1 TO 16000) 'second 2/4 of 1st screen DIM Doitc(1 TO 16000) 'third 3/4 of 1st screen DIM Doitd(1 TO 16000) 'forth 4/4 of 1st screen DIM aDoitA(1 TO 16000) 'first 1/4 of 2nd screen DIM aDoitb(1 TO 16000) 'second 2/4 of 2nd screen DIM aDoitc(1 TO 16000) 'third 3/4 of 2nd screen DIM aDoitD(1 TO 16000) 'forth 4/4 of 2nd screen CONST PI = 3.141593 SCREEN 0 WIDTH 40 RANDOMIZE TIMER COLOR 31 LOCATE 12, 5: PRINT "Ok another stupid Graphic Demo": SLEEP 3 SCREEN 13 'Lets Make some pretty pictures PixleColor = 79 FOR x = 0 TO 199 PixleColor = PixleColor + 1 IF PixleColor > 100 THEN PixleColor = 79 FOR xxx = 0 TO 319 PSET (xxx, x), PixleColor NEXT xxx NEXT x FOR a = 1 TO 30 Xcord = RND * 320 ycord = RND * 200 Coulors = INT(50 * RND) + 1 LINE (Xcord, ycord)-(INT(300 * RND), INT(200 * RND)), Coulors, B NEXT FOR a = 1 TO 100 Xcord = RND * 320 ycord = RND * 200 Coulors = INT(150 * RND) + 1 CIRCLE (Xcord, ycord), INT(10 * RND) + 1, Coulors, -PI, -PI / 2 PAINT (Xcord + 1, ycord), INT(100 * RND) + 1, Coulors NEXT D = 0 ' Now lets save the first screen in a array FOR x = 0 TO 49 FOR xxx = 0 TO 319 D = D + 1 PixClr = POINT(xxx, x): DoitA(D) = PixClr PixClr = POINT(xxx, x + 50): Doitb(D) = PixClr PixClr = POINT(xxx, x + 100): Doitc(D) = PixClr PixClr = POINT(xxx, x + 150): Doitd(D) = PixClr NEXT xxx NEXT x CLS ' Lets Draw The Next Screen FOR a = 1 TO 30 Xcord = RND * 320 ycord = RND * 200 Coulors = INT(50 * RND) + 1 LINE (Xcord, ycord)-(INT(300 * RND), INT(200 * RND)), Coulors, B NEXT FOR a = 1 TO 100 Xcord = RND * 320 ycord = RND * 200 Coulors = INT(150 * RND) + 1 CIRCLE (Xcord, ycord), INT(40 * RND) + 1, Coulors, -PI, -PI / 2 PAINT (Xcord + 1, ycord), INT(100 * RND) + 1, Coulors NEXT D = 0 '>>> Continued on page 2 ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.11 --- Maximus 2.01wb * Origin: Semper Fi BBS Ft. Wayne, IN (219) 424-4292 (1:236/21)
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