BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 04-17-93 (20:55) Number: 302 From: MARTY DUPLISSEY Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Useing index files Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Blabbering as if I knew what I was talking about! There has been some discussion about using sorted indexes. Here is a function I use to do this. You pass it a Key$ as a string and IDXNUM% as the File handle you opened the index file with. It returns the Record Number to look in the main data file to. I am using this with a large (4meg) data file and it works extremely fast on my 386 40. It will return the first match the first time you run it and the next one the next time you run it etc. It will return 0 if no match found. DECLARE FUNCTION GetRecord& (IdxNum%, Key$) TYPE indextype Key AS STRING * 15 Record AS LONG END TYPE '19 FUNCTION GetRecord& (IdxNum%, Key$) STATIC DIM index AS indextype A% = 0 'IF SECOND+ PASS THROUGH JUST Get the next one IF Found% = 1 THEN GET #IdxNum%, Middle&, index IF LEFT$(index.Key, LEN(Key$)) = Key$ THEN GetRecord& = index.Record Middle& = Middle& + 1 EXIT FUNCTION ELSE GetRecord& = 0 Found% = 0 EXIT FUNCTION END IF END IF 'On more than 1st pass the folowing code is not run 'FIRST PASS THROUGH LETS INITILIZE EVERYTHING Lower& = 1 IndexLen% = LEN(index) Upper& = LOF(IdxNum%) / IndexLen% TimesToLook% = 1 'Find out how many times to look before giving up Counter& = Upper& / 2 DO UNTIL Counter& <= 1 Counter& = Counter& \ 2 TimesToLook% = TimesToLook% + 1 LOOP ' Lets find it NoFind% = 0 DO WHILE Found% = 0 Middle& = (Lower& + Upper&) / 2 GET #IdxNum%, Middle&, index SELECT CASE Key$ 'Found it lets see if its the first occurance and if not step up 'Till it is CASE LEFT$(index.Key, LEN(Key$)) DO UNTIL A% = 1 IF LEFT$(index.Key, LEN(Key$)) = Key$ THEN Middle& = Middle& - 1 GET #IdxNum%, Middle&, index ELSE 'Reset pointer to the last match A% = 1 GET #IdxNum%, Middle& + 1, index END IF LOOP Found% = 1 Middle& = Middle& + 1 'Exit found loop couse this is the last one EXIT DO CASE IS < LEFT$(index.Key, LEN(Key$)) Upper& = Middle& - 1 Found% = 0 NoFind% = NoFind% + 1 IF NoFind% = TimesToLook% THEN EXIT DO CASE ELSE Lower& = Middle& + 1 Found% = 0 NoFind% = NoFind% + 1 IF NoFind% = TimesToLook% THEN EXIT DO END SELECT LOOP IF Found% = 0 THEN GetRecord& = 0 ELSE GetRecord& = index.Record& 'Reset middle for the next pass Middle& = Middle& + 1 END IF END FUNCTION MARTY --- GoldED 2.40 * Origin: World Link, Longview,TX.USA OS/2 (903-643-7607) (1:398/1)
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