BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 04-16-93 (23:36)             Number: 367
From: EARL MONTGOMERY              Refer#: NONE
  To: ALL                           Recvd: NO  
Subj: EASYSCRN.BAS                   Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'The following 4 part Basic Program is called EASYSCRN.BAS
'It allows you to design an EGA text screen fast!
'and much much more! These files to follows:
'Menu1.dat and Menu2.dat <Binary> Merge these two files
'Attrib1.dat and attrib2.dat <Binary> Merge these two files
'Char1.dat and Char2.dat <Binary> Merge these two files
'Basic Load source code. LOADSCRN.BAS
'Doc File
'This file created by PostIt! v6.0.
'>>> Start of page 1.
SCREEN 0, 1, 0, 0: CLS
p1 = 0: p2 = 1: column = 1: row = 1
DEF SEG = &HB800
flag$ = ""
ON ERROR GOTO errorroutine
KEY(1) ON: KEY(2) ON: KEY(3) ON: KEY(4) ON: KEY(5) ON: KEY(10) ON
ON KEY(1) GOSUB selectcharacter
ON KEY(2) GOSUB InsertText
ON KEY(3) GOSUB SaveScreen
ON KEY(4) GOSUB LoadScreen
ON KEY(5) GOSUB HelpScrn
ON KEY(10) GOSUB ExitToDos
DEF SEG = &HB800
GOSUB introscreen
i$ = INKEY$
i$ = UCASE$(i$)
temp1 = PEEK(p1): temp2 = PEEK(p2)
POKE p1, 0: POKE p2, 99
FOR D = 0 TO 50: NEXT
POKE p1, 0: POKE p2, 0
FOR D = 0 TO 50: NEXT
POKE p1, temp1: POKE p2, temp2
IF i$ = "C" THEN PALETTE 0, 0: CLS
IF i$ = "F" THEN GOSUB find
IF i$ = "A" THEN GOSUB attrib
IF i$ = "V" THEN GOSUB introscreen
IF i$ = "X" THEN GOSUB fillscrn
IF i$ = "D" THEN flag$ = "PenDown"
IF i$ = "U" THEN flag$ = "PenUp"
IF i$ = "" THEN GOTO loop1
keycode% = CVI(i$ + CHR$(0))
IF keycode% = 19712 THEN GOSUB GoRight
IF keycode% = 19200 THEN GOSUB GoLeft
IF keycode% = 20480 THEN GOSUB GoDown
IF keycode% = 18432 THEN GOSUB GoUp
GOTO loop1
p1 = p1 + 2: p2 = p2 + 2
column = column + 1
IF column > 80 AND p2 < 3998 THEN column = 1: row = row + 1
IF column > 80 AND p2 > 3998 THEN column = 80: row = 25
IF row > 25 THEN row = 25
IF p1 > 3999 THEN p1 = p1 - 2: p2 = p2 - 2
IF flag$ = "PenDown" THEN POKE p1 - 2, pendown1: POKE p2 - 2, pendown2
IF flag$ = "PenDown" THEN POKE p1, pendown1: POKE p2, pendown2
p1 = p1 - 2: p2 = p2 - 2
IF p1 < 0 THEN p1 = p1 + 2: p2 = p2 + 2
column = column - 1
IF column < 1 AND p1 > 160 THEN column = 80: row = row - 1
IF column < 1 AND p1 < 160 THEN column = 1: row = 1
IF row < 1 THEN row = 1
IF flag$ = "PenDown" THEN POKE p1 + 2, pendown1: POKE p2 + 2, pendown2
'>>> Continued on page 2

--- Maximus 2.01wb
 * Origin: Verbose Ink * Dallas * 214-437-0914 * V32b/HST (1:124/5125)
Outer Court
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