BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 04-12-93 (18:23) Number: 362 From: SEAN SULLIVAN Refer#: NONE To: ROBERT SCHOENFELD Recvd: NO Subj: Dial.bas 2/3 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'>>> Start of page 2 of DIAL.BAS PRINT CHR$(a%); ELSE BEEP markit% = -1 'Flag set for marking number END IF END SELECT LOCATE , , 1 'Keep cursor flashing LOOP '====================================================================== 'Get the phone number off the screen Getnum row%, Col%, count%, Port% 'Restore old vectors CLOSE 1 DEF SEG = 0 POKE &H400, OldPort1H POKE &H401, OldPort1L POKE &H402, OldPort2H POKE &H403, OldPort2L DEF SEG END SUB Getnum (row%, Col%, markit%, Port%) IF row% < 1 THEN row% = 1: IF Col% < 1 THEN Col% = 1 LOCATE row%, Col% FOR x% = 0 TO markit% 'Read the phone number off the screen a% = SCREEN(row%, Col% + x%) Dialstr$ = Dialstr$ + CHR$(a%) NEXT x% LOCATE 23, 25 PRINT "Dialing : "; Dialstr$; LOCATE 25, 1 PRINT " Pickup handset and then press space or ESC phone"+ _ " rings "; COLOR 7, 0 Setup Port% PRINT #1, "ATM1DT" + Dialstr$ 'Dial the numbar DO b$ = INKEY$ IF b$ = " " THEN Hangup Port% EXIT DO END IF IF b$ = CHR$(27) THEN Hangup Port% EXIT DO END IF LOOP END SUB SUB Hangup (Port%) PRINT "...Disconnecting 1"; SELECT CASE Port% 'Drop DTR CASE 1 OUT &H3FC, (INP(&H3FC) AND 252) 'com1 CASE 2 OUT &H2FC, (INP(&H2FC) AND 252) 'com2 CASE 3 OUT &H3FC, (INP(&H3FC) AND 252) 'com3 CASE 4 OUT &H2FC, (INP(&H2FC) AND 252) 'com4 END SELECT PRINT "...2..."; PRINT #1, "+++"; 'Switch to modem command mode SLEEP 1 PRINT #1, "ATH" 'Send hangup command PRINT "...CLICK"; END SUB SUB Setup (Port%) 'Sets up the comport by swapping the address fo com4 with com2 and 'com3 with com1 if necessary DEF SEG = 0 POKE &H400, &HF8 POKE &H401, 3 POKE &H402, &HF8 POKE &H403, 2 SELECT CASE Port% CASE 1 Start$ = "COM1:2400,N,8,1,DS0" CASE 2 Start$ = "COM2:2400,N,8,1,DS0" CASE 3 POKE &H400, &HE8 'For com1 to com3 POKE &H401, &H3 '>>> Continued on page 3. --- GoldED 2.40.P0623 * Origin: COMNET Point #28 [Watervliet, NY] (1:267/113.28)
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