BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 04-10-93 (08:22) Number: 331 From: RICH GELDREICH Refer#: NONE To: VICTOR YIU Recvd: NO Subj: Prototype 1/3 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'________O_/________________________| SNIP |______________________\_O_______ ' O \ | HERE | / O 'This file created by PostIt! v6.0. '>>> Start of page 1. 'Prototype PostIt! script creator. Created April, 1993 'This simple program creates a newer type of PostIt! self 'extracting script that decodes very quickly and can handle files 'up to 34,000 bytes. ' 'This script eliminates the "middle man" by outputting to the 'destination file directly in the G sub. This speeds up decoding 'and lowers memory usage because we don't have to first append 'each G line onto a string before the file is decoded. Since 'we're not using strings anymore, the only limit that remains now 'is QB's internal limit on how large a program may be(it might 'actually be a dgroup limitation, not positive yet). ' 'I haven't extensively tested the scripts this program creates, so 'use with caution. ' 'To decode a script created by this program directly from the 'command line just type: ' ' QB/run<script> or QBASIC /run<script> ' 'Where <script> is the name of the script to decode, of course. 'You still have to edit out any garbage in the file, I haven't 'worked out any way for the self extractor to do that, yet... ' 'If the file gets decoded correctly, the script will exit right 'back to DOS without making you lift a single finger. '(Unfortunatly PDS prompts you if to save the file after the 'script is decoded. I don't know if there is a way to disable 'this, so use QB4.5 or QBASIC instead.) ' 'If a CRC error does occur the script stays in the QB/QBX 'environment so you can check it out for garbage. ' 'If you don't want to exit back to DOS after the script is 'decoded, then just don't use the /run option on the command line. DEFINT A-Z DECLARE SUB EncodeStart () DECLARE SUB EncodeBlock () DECLARE SUB EncodeEnd () DIM BytesLeft AS LONG DIM SHARED I$ DIM SHARED InputBuffer$, BytesRead DIM SHARED GoodChars$ DIM SHARED BitBuffer, BitsInBuffer DIM SHARED OutputLine$, OutputPos, LinesWritten DIM SHARED RunningCRC DIM SHARED Power2(0 TO 7) IF POS(0) <> 1 THEN PRINT PRINT "PostIt! Prototype Script Encoder By RG" INPUT "Input file"; I$ INPUT "Output file"; O$ OPEN I$ FOR BINARY AS #1 BytesLeft = LOF(1) IF BytesLeft = 0 THEN CLOSE KILL I$ PRINT I$; " wasn't found." END ELSEIF BytesLeft > 34000 THEN PRINT I$; " is too big for one script." END END IF OPEN O$ FOR OUTPUT AS #2 LEN = 4096 EncodeStart InputBuffer$ = SPACE$(4096) BytesRead = 4096 '>>> Continued on page 2 --- MsgToss 2.0b * Origin: Computer Co-Op - Voorhees, NJ | Ted Hare (1:266/29)
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