BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 04-07-93 (10:47) Number: 304 From: EARL MONTGOMERY Refer#: NONE To: CHRIS JENSEN Recvd: NO Subj: Graphic commands Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'Chris here are the basic graphic functions. I could write a book 'explaining each one in detail. However, I feel this will get you 'started. If you have any questions (I'm sure you will) please 'feel free to ask. 'Earl 'P.S. Don't forget to read the comments following the REM statements. SCREEN 9 REM A SINGLE PSET PSET (100, 100), 14 GOSUB DELAY REM PSET WITHIN A LOOP FOR X = 0 TO 100 PSET (X, 100), 14 NEXT GOSUB DELAY REM LINE COMMAND LINE (100, 100)-(200, 200), 12 GOSUB DELAY REM LINE COMMAND WITH BOX FUNCTION LINE (200, 200)-(300, 300), 11, B GOSUB DELAY REM LINE COMMAND WITH BOX FILL FUNCTION LINE (300, 300)-(400, 350), 4, BF GOSUB DELAY REM CIRCLE COMMAND CIRCLE (400, 100), 90, 8 GOSUB DELAY REM PAINT COMMAND PAINT (402, 102), 14, 8 GOSUB DELAY DO LOOP DELAY: FOR X = 0 TO 10000: NEXT RETURN --- Opus-CBCS 1.73a * Origin: HARDWIRED - The WOCin' Bug Zapper (1:124/4210.0)
Books at Amazon:
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