BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 04-02-93 (23:02) Number: 338 From: VICTOR YIU Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: PostIt! 6.0 15/16 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'>>> Start of page 15. 'write the 6 bit codes now DO WHILE CurrentBit > 5 'have at least 6 bits left? PutByte (Char AND 63) 'write out the first 6 bits Char = Char \ 64 'shift it right 6 places CurrentBit = CurrentBit - 6 '6 bits less now LOOP END SUB SUB Shadow (Uprow, Ltcol, Lorow, Rtcol) STATIC '*** Transparent Shadow routine for use with the '*** "Drawbox" SUB program by Mark H Butler DEF SEG = &H40 equip = PEEK(&H10) IF (equip AND 48) = 48 THEN EXIT SUB '*** no use in doing it if it's mono, right? ELSE DEF SEG = &HB800 END IF '****** use the given box dimensions to POKE a *********** '****** "shadow" on the right side and bottom edge ******* attr = 8 FOR Row = Uprow + 1 TO Lorow + 1 '***** right edge ' locations.*** FOR Col = Rtcol + 1 TO Rtcol + 2'***** make it 2 chars ' wide.*** offset = (Row - 1) * 160 + (Col - 1) * 2 + 1 POKE offset, attr NEXT NEXT Row = Lorow + 1 '***** now POKE along the ' ***** FOR Col = Ltcol + 2 TO Rtcol + 2 '***** bottom edge ' ************ offset = (Row - 1) * 160 + (Col - 1) * 2 + 1 POKE offset, attr NEXT DEF SEG END SUB SUB ShortCopyright COLOR 14, 0 CLS PRINT " PostIt! Version 6.0" PRINT COLOR 11 PRINT " Freeware by Rich Geldreich, 1992-1993." PRINT " Decoder modifications by Jim Giordano." PRINT " User interface and graphics by " PRINT " Mark H Butler and Quinn Tyler Jackson." PRINT " Text code wrapping by Scott Wunsch." PRINT " Compression & new script format by Victor Yiu." PRINT COLOR 7 END SUB SUB Twirl STATIC LOCATE Row, Col PRINT MID$(Proplr$, Turn + 1, 1); Turn = (Turn + 1) AND 3 IF Turn = 0 THEN PRINT USING " ###%"; 100& * CurrentByte \ FileLength; END IF END SUB SUB WarningScreen ' I felt this screen was appropriate, since some users have '>>> Continued on page 16 --- Blue Wave/RA v2.12 [NR] * Origin: Hard Disc Cafe | Houston Texas | (713) 589-2690 | (1:106/30.0)
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