BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 04-02-93 (23:01) Number: 334 From: VICTOR YIU Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: PostIt! 6.0 11/16 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'>>> Start of page 11. Ext$ = RIGHT$(Ext$, 3) COLOR 7, 0 PRINT DO OutN$ = Base$ + Num2Str$(FileOutNum) IF Row THEN LOCATE Row, Col: PRINT " " PRINT "Now writing: " + OutN$ + "." + Ext$ + " "; Row = CSRLIN: Col = POS(0) OPEN OutN$ + "." + Ext$ FOR OUTPUT AS #2 IF OnMsgNumber > 1 THEN PRINT #2, "'>>> Start of page"; STR$(OnMsgNumber); "." PRINT #2, ELSE GOSUB Snip PRINT #2, "'This file created by PostIt! v6.0." PRINT #2, "'>>> Start of page"; STR$(OnMsgNumber); "." PRINT #2, END IF TooLong = False FOR Trans = LinesOut TO LPP Percent = (100& * SEEK(1)) \ LOF(1) Twirler$ = MID$("|/Ä\", (Percent AND 3) + 1, 1) LOCATE Row, Col: PRINT USING "! ###%"; Twirler$; Percent; IF NOT EOF(1) THEN IF Trans = LinesOut THEN DO: LINE INPUT #1, Buf$ LOOP WHILE LEN(Buf$) = 0 ELSE LINE INPUT #1, Buf$ Buf$ = RTRIM$(Buf$) END IF Tb = INSTR(Buf$, Tab$) 'remove those dang chr$(8)s ' (tabs) IF Tb THEN DO Buf$ = LEFT$(Buf$, Tb - 1) + TabSub$ +_ MID$(Buf$, Tb + 1) Tb = INSTR(Tb, Buf$, Tab$) LOOP WHILE Tb END IF Wrapping: IF (LEN(Buf$) > LineLength) AND (LEFT$(Buf$, 1) <>_ "'") THEN Trans = Trans + 1 CommentOn = False FOR A = LineLength TO 40 STEP -1 IF MID$(Buf$, A, 1) = " " THEN WrapPoint = A EXIT FOR END IF NEXT IF WrapPoint = 0 THEN WrapPoint = LineLength QuotesOn = False FOR A = 1 TO WrapPoint Temp$ = MID$(Buf$, A, 1) IF Temp$ = Qt$ THEN QuotesOn = NOT QuotesOn ELSEIF NOT QuotesOn THEN IF (Temp$ = "'") OR (UCASE$(MID$(Buf$,_ A, 4)) = "REM ") THEN CommentOn = True EXIT FOR END IF END IF NEXT Long$ = Buf$ IF CommentOn THEN Buf$ = LEFT$(Buf$, WrapPoint - 1) ELSE IF QuotesOn THEN '>>> Continued on page 12 --- Blue Wave/RA v2.12 [NR] * Origin: Hard Disc Cafe | Houston Texas | (713) 589-2690 | (1:106/30.0)
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