BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 04-02-93 (23:01) Number: 331 From: VICTOR YIU Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: PostIt! 6.0 8/16 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'>>> Start of page 8. END SUB ' Yep, the same one I released, except stripped of comments and ' some features. -VY FUNCTION GetInput$ (Prompt$, MaxLen) Null$ = CHR$(0): SpaceBar$ = " " Insrt$ = Null$ + "R": Delete$ = Null$ + "S" LeftK$ = Null$ + "K": RightK$ = Null$ + "M" Home$ = Null$ + "G": End$ = Null$ + "O" IF MaxLen < 1 THEN MaxLen = 80 - LEN(Prompt$) - POS(0) COLOR 14 PRINT Prompt$; StartX = POS(0): Cursor = 1 Insrt = True COLOR 7 DO IF Updt THEN LOCATE , StartX, 0 PRINT OutS$; SpaceBar$; Updt = False END IF LOCATE , Cursor + StartX - 1, 1, (NOT Insrt) * -7, 16 DO: I$ = INKEY$ LOOP UNTIL LEN(I$) IF LEN(I$) = 1 THEN Updt = True SELECT CASE ASC(I$) CASE IS >= 32 IF (NOT Insrt) OR (LEN(OutS$) < MaxLen) THEN IF Cursor > 0 THEN OutS$ = LEFT$(OutS$, Cursor - 1) + I$ +_ MID$(OutS$, Cursor - (NOT Insrt)) ELSE OutS$ = I$ END IF Cursor = Cursor + 1 ELSE Updt = False END IF CASE 8 IF LEN(OutS$) AND (Cursor > 1) THEN OutS$ = LEFT$(OutS$, Cursor - 2) + MID$(OutS$,_ Cursor) Cursor = Cursor - 1 ELSE Updt = False END IF CASE 13 EXIT DO CASE 27 IF LEN(OutS$) > 0 THEN LOCATE , StartX, 0 PRINT SPACE$(LEN(OutS$) + 1); OutS$ = "" Cursor = 1 Updt = False ELSE EXIT DO END IF END SELECT ELSE ' extended ASCII code SELECT CASE I$ CASE LeftK$ IF Cursor > 1 THEN Cursor = Cursor - 1 CASE RightK$ IF Cursor < LEN(OutS$) + 1 THEN Cursor = Cursor + 1 CASE Delete$ IF LEN(OutS$) > 0 AND (Cursor < LEN(OutS$)) THEN OutS$ = LEFT$(OutS$, Cursor - 1) + MID$(OutS$,_ Cursor + 1) Updt = True END IF CASE Home$ '>>> Continued on page 9 --- Blue Wave/RA v2.12 [NR] * Origin: Hard Disc Cafe | Houston Texas | (713) 589-2690 | (1:106/30.0)
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Back to BASIC: The History, Corruption, and Future of the Language
Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution (including Tiny BASIC)
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The Advent of the Algorithm: The Idea that Rules the World
Moths in the Machine: The Power and Perils of Programming
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