BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 04-02-93 (23:00) Number: 328 From: VICTOR YIU Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: PostIt! 6.0 5/16 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'>>> Start of page 5. SUB ExtractFile SHARED Good$ PRINT PRINT "Examining "; SourceFile$; "..." COLOR 7 CLOSE OPEN SourceFile$ FOR INPUT AS #1 LEN = 4096 ' open file DO IF NOT EOF(1) THEN LINE INPUT #1, A$ ELSE GOTO ErrorReading END IF LOOP WHILE LEFT$(A$, 13) <> "~PostIt! 6.0~" 'search for header NewFile$ = MID$(A$, 14) NxtTilde = INSTR(NewFile$, "~") IF NxtTilde = 0 THEN GOTO ErrorReading NewFile$ = LEFT$(NewFile$, NxtTilde - 1) ' get filename OPEN NewFile$ FOR BINARY AS #2 ' open... PRINT "Loading "; SourceFile$; "..." DO IF EOF(1) THEN GOTO ErrorReading ' end of file already? LINE INPUT #1, A$ ' get a line SELECT CASE LEFT$(A$, 1) CASE "~" IF NOT QuoteOn THEN EXIT DO ' end; quit loop END IF CASE "a" TO "z", "A" TO "Z", "#", "$", "(" TO "9" IF NOT QuoteOn THEN FOR Q = 2 TO 9 ' expand the string Look$ = MID$(ComprChar$, Q - 1, 1) S = 1 DO S = INSTR(S, A$, Look$) IF S THEN A$ = LEFT$(A$, S - 1) + STRING$(Q,_ 97) + MID$(A$, S + 1) END IF LOOP WHILE S NEXT Dat$ = Dat$ + RTRIM$(A$) ' nope, collect dust END IF CASE "'" QuoteOn = NOT QuoteOn CASE ELSE ' just comments or junk END SELECT LOOP Siz = VAL(MID$(A$, 2)) ' extract size of file NxtNum = INSTR(2, A$, "~") ' look 4 next ~ occurence IF NxtNum = 0 THEN GOTO ErrorReading ' none? Error! CheckVal = VAL(MID$(A$, NxtNum + 1)) ' get checkval PRINT "Decoding "; SourceFile$; "..." PRINT STRING$(50, 178); ' print initial bar LOCATE , , 0 DIM P(6) FOR P = 0 TO 6: P(P) = 2 ^ P: NEXT n = Siz k = 255 V! = 50 / n FOR A = 1 TO n ' decode file IF L = 0 THEN GOSUB G L = 6 LOCATE , 1 '>>> Continued on page 6 --- Blue Wave/RA v2.12 [NR] * Origin: Hard Disc Cafe | Houston Texas | (713) 589-2690 | (1:106/30.0)
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