BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 07-23-92 (13:07) Number: 176 From: TOM HAMMOND Refer#: NONE To: BOB SEWELL Recvd: NO Subj: COPY command from QB Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
JJ>In a message of <13 Jul 92 06:34:44>, Bob Sewell (1:116/5) writes: JJ> > Anyone know how to access the DOS COPY command from within JJ> >QB, without resorting to the SHELL "copy \path1\file1 \path2" JJ> >statement? Bob: Matt Hart posted a really fast COPY routine a while back.. let me see if I can find it among all the SAVEd posts and... ah, yes, here it is. Use it in good health: 'This subroutine does a QUICK copy of one file to another DECLARE SUB CopyFile (CFileIn$, CFileOut$) INPUT "File to copy"; CFileIn$ INPUT "New Name?"; CFileOut$ CALL CopyFile(CFileIn$, CFileOut$) SUB CopyFile (CFileIn$, CFileOut$) CFileIn = FREEFILE OPEN CFileIn$ FOR BINARY AS #FileIn CFileOut = FREEFILE OPEN CFileOut$ FOR BINARY AS #FileOut A$ = SPACE$(4096) FOR i = 1 TO LOF(1) \ 4096 ' note backslash GET CFileIn, , A$ PUT CFileOut, , A$ NEXT i IF LOF(1) MOD 4096 > 0 THEN A$ = SPACE$(LOF(1) MOD 4096) GET 1, , A$ PUT 2, , A$ END IF CLOSE CFileIn, CFileOut END SUB --------------------8<-------- Clip here -------->8--------------- Good luck Tom Hammond N0SS --- þ SLMR 2.1 þ hAS ANYONE SEEN MY cAPSLOCK KEY? --- WM v2.00/91-0231 * Origin: The Modem Zone BBS (314) 893-5106 (1:289/2)
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