BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 04-01-93 (00:14) Number: 261 From: SCOTT BAILEY Refer#: NONE To: PAUL CRUTCHFIELD Recvd: NO Subj: pocal 3/3 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'Continued A = 0: f = 34: b = 40 GOSUB ansi END IF ps = INSTR(text$, "@magenta") IF ps > 0 THEN rtext$ = MID$(text$, ps + 8) text$ = LEFT$(text$, ps - 1) A = 0: f = 35: b = 40 GOSUB ansi END IF ps = INSTR(text$, "@cyan") IF ps > 0 THEN rtext$ = MID$(text$, ps + 5) text$ = LEFT$(text$, ps - 1) A = 0: f = 36: b = 40 GOSUB ansi END IF ps = INSTR(text$, "@white") IF ps > 0 THEN rtext$ = MID$(text$, ps + 6) text$ = LEFT$(text$, ps - 1) A = 0: f = 37: b = 40 GOSUB ansi END IF NEXT IF y% THEN text$ = text$ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) IF baud& AND Z% = 1 THEN PRINT #modem, text$; PRINT #display, text$; EXIT SUB ansi: text$ = text$ + CHR$(27) + "[" + LTRIM$(STR$(A)) + ";" text$ = text$ + LTRIM$(STR$(f)) + ";" + LTRIM$(STR$(b)) + "m" + rtext$ RETURN END SUB '----End of Pocal.bas---- --- DLG Pro v0.995/DLGMail * Origin: Computer Answers, Prince Albert, Sask., Canada (1:140/601)
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Back to BASIC: The History, Corruption, and Future of the Language
Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution (including Tiny BASIC)
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Moths in the Machine: The Power and Perils of Programming
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