BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 03-30-93 (06:42) Number: 393 From: CHRIS TRACY Refer#: NONE To: GEOFFREY LIU Recvd: NO Subj: DISABLE THE PAUSE KEY Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Well, since everyone might not have an assembler compiler, I compiled it for the less fortunate... --- Snip CLS:?STRING$(50,178):DEFINT A-Z 'Created by PostIt! v5.1 Y$="*+,-./":FOR A=0 TO 6:P(A)=2^A:NEXT:OPEN "B",1,"NOPAUSE2.OBJ T$="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz":T$=T$+UCASE$(T$)+"0123456789() G"a6*m42BWfwDZvMmUe2CTPmIF,qvDYj2BGe0CZvwBIXwzYbciwvMCZL2BUbImUatUis G"b*LUU84Ngm42BWfwDZvMmUe2CTvaId*qPZKLc+OH4+uOuAjfa0GtpbvqvnvrY8fv G"fHfvem0tevuoyE*iniacmqaqAjdauWxefevbrarbrvqcJ5baGe*qqbb8GLiaGbeDKupv G"fulQjbayW)cSfJl*cc91tovewjrfaPJib*KObejOdcqae+EiLla6db*qD3OBya4Gu G"Ac,Wcat3j4YrnnhIlmAG*4sIE+4YrjE4Wh6MeanhYhUySbeaW)4())RpaKRaSwFS G"Shtb1mB7427IbbkEaj3J4byT1hU8Vl*Gla6db+DzaLh4YrjU4OhcaGllAb*0CiFGLl G"gBab*WYBZzmaqmdufaXVqvaeBavbWCewfaXHqvaeBcvbq8nufaXBrvaedgvbqCBufaXYr G"vaeVhvbGHIc+0b" N=379:K=255:IF LEN(C$)<>506 THEN ?"Incomplete script!":END FOR A=1 TO N:LOCATE 1:?STRING$(50/N*A,177):IF L=0 THEN GOSUB G:L=6 W=T\P(6-L):GOSUB G:W=W OR T*P(L):L=L-2:B$=CHR$(W AND K):PUT 1,,B$:NEXT ?:IF C=11 THEN ?"Ok":END ELSE ?"Bad checksum!":END G:I=I+1:T=INSTR(T$,MID$(C$,I,1))-1:C=(C+T)*2:C=C\256+(C AND 255):RETURN SUB G(A$):SHARED C$,Y$:FOR Q=1 TO 6:DO:S=INSTR(A$,CHR$(Q+41)) IF S THEN A$=LEFT$(A$,S-1)+STRING$(Q+1,97)+MID$(A$,S+1) LOOP WHILE S:NEXT:C$=C$+A$:END SUB --- Snip Welp.. there it is.. I compiled it with Turbo Assembler becuase Macro Assembler wan't happy when I tried to compile it to an object file.. -chris --- T.A.G. 2.6d Standard * Origin: DangerBase ][ Programming Staff 412-438-4101 (1:2615/4@FIDONET.ORG)
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