BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 03-31-93 (06:47) Number: 351 From: DICK DENNISON Refer#: NONE To: MICHAEL BAILEY Recvd: NO Subj: Re: File Date/Time Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'>>> Start of page 4 of dt.bas BEEP a$ = "" GOTO getnumtop END IF nu$ = nu$ + a$ a$ = "" NEXT n% IF VAL(nu$) > max% OR VAL(nu$) < min% THEN BEEP nu$ = "" GOTO getnumtop END IF PRINT GetNum% = VAL(nu$) END FUNCTION FUNCTION gettime& 'mo% = GetNum%(2, 1, 12) gtimetop: PRINT "New Hour (00-23): "; hour% = GetNum%(2, -1, 23) IF hour% < 0 THEN gettime& = fi.timef + 0& PRINT "Use old time" EXIT FUNCTION END IF PRINT "New Minutes (00-59): "; min% = GetNum%(2, 0, 59) PRINT "New Seconds (00-59) : "; sec% = GetNum%(2, 0, 59) PRINT " New file time : " + LTRIM$(STR$(hour%)) + ":" + _ LTRIM$(STR$(min%)) + ":" + LTRIM$(STR$(sec%)) 'timef% 'bits 0-4h=2secincs(0-29),5-Ah=mins(0-59),B-Fh=Hours(0-23) ' + , * 32 ,*2048 timef& = hour% * 2048& + min% * 32& + sec% gettime& = timef& END FUNCTION SUB SetFileDate (filename$, datef&, timef&) DIM regs AS RegType OPEN filename$ FOR APPEND AS 1 handle% = FILEATTR(1, 2) = &H5700 + 1 'SET file date/time + 0 the GET regs.bx = handle% 'file handle 'timef% 'bits 0-4h=2secincs(0-29),5-Ah=mins(0-59),B-Fh=Hours(0-23) ' + , * 32 ,*2048 'timef% = 2 * 2048 + 22 * 32 'datef% 'bits 0-4h=day(1-31),5-8h=month(1-12),9-Fh=year-1980 ' + , * 32 ,*512 'datef% = 12 * 512 + 6 * 32 + 16 IF timef& > 32767 THEN tim% = timef& - 65536 ELSE tim% = timef& IF datef& > 32767 THEN dat% = datef& - 65536 ELSE dat% = datef& = tim% regs.dx = dat% CALL INTERRUPT(&H21, regs, regs) IF regs.flags AND 1 THEN BEEP CLOSE 1 END SUB ______O_/_________________| SNIP |________________\_O_____ O \ | HERE | / O --- VP [DOS] V4.09e * Origin: The MailMan (914)374-3903 NY Quick Share Pt #7 *HST (1:272/34)
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Back to BASIC: The History, Corruption, and Future of the Language
Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution (including Tiny BASIC)
Go to: The Story of the Math Majors, Bridge Players, Engineers, Chess Wizards, Scientists and Iconoclasts who were the Hero Programmers of the Software Revolution
The Advent of the Algorithm: The Idea that Rules the World
Moths in the Machine: The Power and Perils of Programming
Mastering Visual Basic .NET