BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 03-25-93 (15:37) Number: 293 From: DIRK THEURER Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: CND-DET routines 8/8 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
' ' CND-DET routines (part 8) ' ' ' see if anything in keyboard ' i$ = INKEY$ SELECT CASE LEN(i$) CASE 0 ' ' no character ' CASE 1 SELECT CASE ASC(UCASE$(i$)) CASE 81 ' Q uit GetCNDNumber% = 2 FOR i = 1 TO 500: NEXT i FOSSILFlush EXIT FUNCTION CASE ELSE END SELECT CASE 2 SELECT CASE ASC(RIGHT$(i$, 1)) CASE 72 ' up arrow FOR i = 1 TO 500: NEXT i FOSSILFlush GetCNDNumber% = 72 EXIT FUNCTION CASE 80 ' down arrow FOR i = 1 TO 500: NEXT i FOSSILFlush GetCNDNumber% = 80 EXIT FUNCTION CASE 71 ' Home FOR i = 1 TO 500: NEXT i FOSSILFlush GetCNDNumber% = 71 EXIT FUNCTION CASE 79 ' End FOR i = 1 TO 500: NEXT i FOSSILFlush GetCNDNumber% = 79 EXIT FUNCTION CASE 73 ' PgUp FOR i = 1 TO 500: NEXT i FOSSILFlush GetCNDNumber% = 73 EXIT FUNCTION CASE 81 ' PgDn FOR i = 1 TO 500: NEXT i FOSSILFlush GetCNDNumber% = 81 EXIT FUNCTION CASE ELSE END SELECT CASE ELSE ' ' shouldn't be any such case! ' END SELECT LOOP ' ' end of GetCNDNumber% ' END FUNCTION , ,--------8<-------------------- snip here -------------------->8-------- Use and ENJOY! Dirk --- * Origin: RAVE * Burnaby, BC (1:153/810)
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