BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 03-20-93 (00:45) Number: 180 From: STEVE DEMO Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Mview Code 5 Of 5 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'>>> Start of page 5. SeekEl = SeekEl + 1 IF SeekEl + 1 > Numlines& THEN SeekEl = SeekEl - 1 GOTO KeyProcess END IF CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(77) ' Right Arrow CurCol = CurCol + 1 CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(75) ' Left Arrow CurCol = CurCol - 1 IF CurCol < 1 THEN CurCol = 1 GOTO KeyProcess END IF CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(73) ' Page Up SeekEl = SeekEl - 35 IF SeekEl < 1 THEN SeekEl = 1 CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(81) ' Page Dn SeekEl = SeekEl + 35 IF SeekEl > Numlines& THEN SeekEl = Numlines& - 34 GOTO KeyProcess END IF CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(71) ' Home SeekEl = 1 CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(79) ' End SeekEl = Numlines& - 34 IF SeekEl < 1 THEN SeekEl = 1 GOTO KeyProcess END IF CASE "P" ShellTemp$ = "type " + File$ + " >prn" ' I know Basic can do ' this ' but NO need for error ' control with this way PCOPY 0, 1 ' Save Screen CLS 2 LOCATE 20, 30 PRINT "Printing "; File$ LOCATE 22, 30 PRINT "Press Ctrl C to STOP printing" PLAY "msL64<defgab.>" SHELL ShellTemp$ ' Print file PLAY "msL64<dBAGFED.>" PCOPY 1, 0 ' Restore Screen CASE ELSE PLAY "msL64<dBAGFED.>" ' Wrong key Pressed GOTO KeyProcess END SELECT RETURN Goodby: VIEW PRINT ERASE Seeks& CLOSE EXIT SUB END SUB '________O_/________________________| SNIP |______________________\_O_______ ' O \ | HERE | / O ... Do what you will with this tagline, just don't bother me about it! ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.11 --- Maximus 2.01wb * Origin: Semper Fi BBS Ft. Wayne, IN (219) 424-4292 (1:236/21)
Books at Amazon:
Back to BASIC: The History, Corruption, and Future of the Language
Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution (including Tiny BASIC)
Go to: The Story of the Math Majors, Bridge Players, Engineers, Chess Wizards, Scientists and Iconoclasts who were the Hero Programmers of the Software Revolution
The Advent of the Algorithm: The Idea that Rules the World
Moths in the Machine: The Power and Perils of Programming
Mastering Visual Basic .NET