BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 07-19-92 (07:19) Number: 54 From: MICHAEL MALLEY Refer#: NONE To: BOB SEWELL Recvd: NO Subj: Re: DIR$ Help 1/ Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
BS>except figuring out a good algorythm to find all the BS>directories on a disk. Going to be some tricky code... Hello Bob! Long time not chat [Grin]. Feel free to cut and paste: - Michael :) -------------------------[ TREE.BAS ]------------------------------ 'Title: TREE.BAS 'Purpose: Shows a graphical representation of the directory structure. 'By: Michael Malley 'Written: April 13, 1992 ' 'Note: Redirection to devices is enabled. ' 'Released into the public domain as long as the intial screen is kept 'intact. Use of the algorithms in other applications may be used without 'acknowledgment as long as that application is sufficiently different in 'purpose than TREE. DECLARE SUB SetDTA (Segment%, Offset%) DECLARE SUB ShowTree (PathSpec$, Position AS INTEGER) DECLARE FUNCTION GetFile$ (Spec$, DTA AS ANY, FileNames AS INTEGER) DEFINT A-Z TYPE RegtypeX ax AS INTEGER bx AS INTEGER cx AS INTEGER dx AS INTEGER bp AS INTEGER si AS INTEGER di AS INTEGER flags AS INTEGER ds AS INTEGER es AS INTEGER END TYPE DECLARE SUB InterruptX (intnum AS INTEGER, Inreg AS RegtypeX, Outreg AS_ RegtypeX) TYPE DTAType Junk AS STRING * 21 Attr AS STRING * 1 Time AS INTEGER Date AS INTEGER Size AS LONG Name AS STRING * 13 END TYPE CONST False = 0 CONST True = NOT False '--- Give enough of a stack for the recursion for all but the most trashed ' directories STACK 6144 DIM SHARED Regs AS RegtypeX, Levels AS STRING * 32, ScratchDTA AS DTAType DIM SHARED ErrorLevel AS INTEGER, ShowFiles, KeyStroke AS STRING DIM Spec AS STRING '--- Levels: a string of flags 32 characters long. Used to allow child ' occurences of ShowTree to know what graphic lines must be ' drawn. Using a string results in a savings of memory of ' 32 bytes and faster execution then when we use an array. ' ' ErrorLevel: Used internally to pass DOS errors while getting ' directory information. ' ' Spec: The initial pathspec to be used in the directory search. ' ' ScratchDTA: DTA used to retrieve filenames ' ' ShowFiles: Flag to determine if we show filenames also Spec = RTRIM$(COMMAND$) IF LEN(Spec) THEN Position = INSTR(Spec, "/F") IF Position THEN ShowFiles = True IF Position = 1 THEN Spec = LTRIM$(RIGHT$(Spec, LEN(Spec) - (INSTR(Spec, "/F") + 1))) ELSE Spec = RTRIM$(LEFT$(Spec, Position - 1)) END IF END IF END IF IF LEN(Spec) = 0 THEN Spec = CURDIR$ '--- QB users use "." for Spec PRINT "TREE ver 1.0 Copyright(C) 1992 - Use /F for file listing." PRINT "By: Michael S. Malley and released into the public domain." PRINT PRINT Spec '--- Chop off any trailing \ IF ASC(RIGHT$(Spec, 1)) = 92 THEN Spec = LEFT$(Spec, LEN(Spec) - 1) '--- Sets the level of searching and returns any errors on the first call Position = 1 ShowTree Spec, Position SELECT CASE Position CASE &H3 PRINT "Invalid path" CASE &H12 PRINT "No Directories" END SELECT END FUNCTION GetFile$ (Spec$, DTA AS DTAType, FileNames AS INTEGER) '--- If a pathspec is sent, start with a search for a new file. IF LEN(Spec$) THEN SetDTA VARSEG(DTA), VARPTR(DTA) = &H4E00 = &H10 IF FileNames THEN = &H6 '--- QB users use VARSEG Regs.ds = SSEG(Spec$) Regs.dx = SADD(Spec$) CALL InterruptX(&H21, Regs, Regs) IF Regs.flags AND 1 THEN ErrorLevel = EXIT FUNCTION END IF '--- If the first file returned is a directory, get the name and ' find out if it is a valid directory IF (ASC(DTA.Attr) AND &H10) = &H10 OR FileNames THEN GOSUB ExtractName END IF DO UNTIL ExitFlag SetDTA VARSEG(DTA), VARPTR(DTA) '--- Try to find another file = &H4F00 CALL InterruptX(&H21, Regs, Regs) >>> Continued to next message * SLMR 2.1a * I am the terror that posts in the night! --- Maximus 2.00
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