Mview Code 3 Of 5

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 03-20-93 (00:55)             Number: 178
From: STEVE DEMO                   Refer#: NONE
  To: ALL                           Recvd: NO  
Subj: Mview Code 3 Of 5              Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'>>> Start of page 3.

    OPEN File$ FOR APPEND AS 1                          ' Test for file
' of
    IF LOF(1) < 3 THEN                                  ' more than 1
' char
       COLOR 31, 0                                       '|
       LOCATE 20, 30                                     '|
       PRINT "File NOT fouund"                           '+----->>+
       PLAY "msL20<dBAGFED.>"                                    '|
       SOUND 9000, 2                                             '|
       CLOSE 1                                                   '|
       KILL File$    '<-------------------------+          ' >----+---<
       SLEEP 2                                 '|
       EXIT SUB                                '+----->>  Kill that
' pesky
    END IF                                               ' non-file
    CLOSE 1
    COLOR 14, 0
    LOCATE 19, 30
    PRINT "Loading "; File$                             'Success
    OPEN "I", 1, File$

    REDIM Seeks&(1 TO 29384)                 ' Max number of lines
' 29384
    CurSeek& = 1                                '|
    Numlines& = 0                               '|
    DO UNTIL EOF(1)                             '|
        LINE INPUT #1, Text$                    '|
        Numlines& = Numlines& + 1              '/ \
     IF Numlines& >= 32760 THEN          ' Stretch it just a hair with
       COLOR 12                     ' The Error routine any more and
       PRINT                        ' crash city. Allows atleast a
                       ' 1 meg file
       PRINT "File to large  Entire file NOT loaded"
       COLOR 28
       PRINT "press any key to continue"
       PLAY "msL20<dBAGFED.>"
       Press$ = INPUT$(1)
       EXIT DO
     END IF
      LOCATE 22, 30
      PRINT "Loading line:"; Numlines&
      Seeks&(Numlines&) = CurSeek&         ' Save starting position
      CurSeek& = CurSeek& + LEN(Text$) + 2 ' Next position - 2 is
    LOOP                                     ' for C/R & LF
    CurCol = 1                               ' Current Column
    SeekEl = 1                               ' Current line
    Escape = False

    COLOR 0, 7                              'put final touch on screen
    LOCATE 4, 1                             '+-------->>+
    PRINT STRING$(80, " ");                            '|
    LOCATE 41, 1                                       '|
    PRINT STRING$(80, " ");                            '|
    VIEW PRINT 5 TO 40                                 '|
    mouseoff                                           '|
    CLS 2                                        ' <----+---<

       GOSUB LoadAndDisplay
       GOSUB KeyProcess
    LOOP UNTIL Escape

    CLOSE 1
    EXIT SUB                     ' were otta here

    SEEK #1, Seeks&(SeekEl)
    FOR I = 5 TO 40
    dummy$ = INKEY$                 'clear keyboard buffer
       LINE INPUT #1, Text$
       Foundone = INSTR(Text$, CHR$(11))    'filter out ALL bad chars
      IF Foundone THEN                      '+-------->>+
           MID$(Text$, Foundone) = " "                 '|
           Testit = LEN(Text$)                         '|
           MID$(Text$, Foundone) = " "                 '|  No
         FOR Dotest = 1 TO Testit                  '|
            T$ = MID$(Text$, Dotest, 1)            '|     Runs
               IF T$ = CHR$(11) THEN               '|
               MID$(Text$, Dotest) = " "       '|   No
               END IF                              '|
         NEXT Dotest                               '|      Beeps
          Foundone = 0                                 '|
      END IF                                           '|   No
    Foundone = INSTR(Text$, CHR$(7))                   '|
      IF Foundone THEN                                 '|      Errors
        Testit = LEN(Text$)                            '|

'>>> Continued on page 4.

___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.11

--- Maximus 2.01wb
 * Origin: Semper Fi BBS  Ft. Wayne, IN  (219) 424-4292 (1:236/21)
Outer Court
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