BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 03-21-93 (03:44) Number: 356 From: RICH GELDREICH Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Solid5 6/8 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'Page 6 of SOLID5.BAS begins here. ShadowXHigh(s) = XHigh: ShadowYHigh(s) = YHigh IF XHigh < 0 OR XLow > 319 OR YLow > 199 OR YHigh < 0 THEN EXIT SUB IF YHigh > 199 THEN YHigh = 199 IF YLow < 0 THEN YLow = 0 'Initialize the edge list FOR a = YLow TO YHigh EdgeList(a).Low = 32767 EdgeList(a).High = -32768 NEXT 'Enter the lines into the edge list FOR a = 0 TO MaxLines P1 = lines(a).P1 P2 = lines(a).P2 DrawLine (Points(P1).XShadow), (Points(P1).YShadow), (Points(P2_ ).XShadow), (Points(P2).YShadow), EdgeList() 'LINE ((Points(P1).XShadow), (Points(P1).YShadow))-((Points(P2)_ .XShadow), (Points(P2).YShadow)), 0 NEXT 'Fill the polygon EdgeFill EdgeList(), YLow, YHigh, 3 END SUB SUB EdgeFill (EdgeList() AS EdgeType, YLow, YHigh, C) FOR a = YLow TO YHigh LINE (EdgeList(a).Low, a)-(EdgeList(a).High, a), C NEXT END SUB 'This routine initializes the data required by the fast Lambert shading 'algorithm. It calculates the point which is both perpendicular 'and a constant distance from each polygon and stores it. This point 'is then rotated with the rest of the points. When it comes time for 'shading, the normal to the polygon is looked up in a simple lookup 'table for maximum speed. SUB FindNormals FOR a = 0 TO MaxPolys P1 = Polys(a).P1: P2 = Polys(a).P2: P3 = Polys(a).P3 'find the vectors of 2 lines inside the polygon ax! = Points(P2).XObject - Points(P1).XObject ay! = Points(P2).YObject - Points(P1).YObject az! = Points(P2).ZObject - Points(P1).ZObject bx! = Points(P3).XObject - Points(P2).XObject by! = Points(P3).YObject - Points(P2).YObject bz! = Points(P3).ZObject - Points(P2).ZObject 'find the cross product of the 2 vectors nx! = ay! * bz! - az! * by! ny! = az! * bx! - ax! * bz! nz! = ax! * by! - ay! * bx! 'normalize the vector so it ranges from -1 to 1 M! = SQR(nx! * nx! + ny! * ny! + nz! * nz!) IF M! <> 0 THEN nx! = nx! / M!: ny! = ny! / M!: nz! = nz! / M! 'store the vector for later rotation(notice that it is scaled 'up by 128 so it can be stored as an integer variable) Polys(a).WorldXN = nx! * 128 + Points(P1).XObject Polys(a).WorldYN = ny! * 128 + Points(P1).YObject Polys(a).WorldZN = nz! * 128 + Points(P1).ZObject NEXT END SUB 'Draws a polygon to the screen. Simply finds the start and stop X 'coordinates for each scan line within the polygon and uses the 'LINE command for filling. SUB PolyFill (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, C) 'for QB 4.5 guys 'find lowest and high X & Y coordinates IF y1 < y2 THEN YLow = y1 ELSE YLow = y2 IF y3 < YLow THEN YLow = y3 IF y1 > y2 THEN YHigh = y1 ELSE YHigh = y2 IF y3 > YHigh THEN YHigh = y3 IF x1 < x2 THEN XLow = x1 ELSE XLow = x2 IF x3 < XLow THEN XLow = x3 IF x1 > x2 THEN XHigh = x1 ELSE XHigh = x2 IF x3 > XHigh THEN XHigh = x3 IF YLow < 0 THEN YLow = 0 IF YHigh > 199 THEN YHigh = 199 IF XLow < XLow(s) THEN XLow(s) = XLow IF XHigh > XHigh(s) THEN XHigh(s) = XHigh IF YLow < YLow(s) THEN YLow(s) = YLow IF YHigh > YHigh(s) THEN YHigh(s) = YHigh 'Continued on page 7 --- MsgToss 2.0b * Origin: Computer Co-Op - Voorhees, NJ | Ted Hare (1:266/29)
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