Solid5 2/8

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 03-21-93 (03:41)             Number: 352
From: RICH GELDREICH               Refer#: NONE
  To: ALL                           Recvd: NO  
Subj: Solid5 2/8                     Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'Page 2 of SOLID5.BAS begins here.
PRINT "Right....................Angle 1 +"
PRINT "Up.......................Angle 2 -"
PRINT "Down.....................Angle 2 +"
PRINT "-........................Angle 3 -"
PRINT "+........................Angle 3 +"
PRINT "5........................Rotation Stop"
PRINT "0........................Rotation Reset"
PRINT "Up Arrow.................Forward"
PRINT "Down Arrow...............Backward"
PRINT "Left Arrow...............Left"
PRINT "Right Arrow..............Right"
PRINT : PRINT "Initializing..."

MaxPoints = 4  'Pyramid.
'Points follow...
DATA -100,0,100, -100,0,-100, 100,0,-100, 100,0,100, 0,-290,0
MaxPolys = 5
'Polygons follow (they must be specified in counterclockwise
'order for correct hidden face removal and shading)
DATA 4,0,3, 4,3,2, 4,1,0, 4,2,1, 3,0,1, 3,1,2
MaxLines = 7
'Lines follow for shadow computation...
DATA 4,0, 4,1, 4,2, 4,3, 0,1, 1,2, 2,3, 3,0

'MaxPoints = 7 'Cube.
'DATA -100,100,100
'DATA 100,100,100
'DATA 100,100,-100
'DATA -100,100,-100
'DATA -100,-100,100
'DATA 100,-100,100
'DATA 100,-100,-100
'DATA -100,-100,-100
'MaxPolys = 11
'DATA 5,4,0, 5,0,1
'DATA 6,2,3, 3,7,6
'DATA 6,5,1, 6,1,2
'DATA 7,0,4, 7,3,0
'DATA 6,7,4, 6,4,5
'DATA 0,3,2, 1,0,2
'MaxLines = 11
'DATA 0,1, 1,2, 2,3, 3,0
'DATA 4,5, 5,6, 6,7, 7,4
'DATA 4,0, 5,1, 6,2, 7,3

'MaxPoints = 15 'Wierd pencil-like shape...
'DATA 0,0,0, 250,0,0, 400,40,0, 400,60,0, 250,100,0, 0,100,0, _
-20,90,0, -20,10,0
'DATA 0,0,-50, 250,0,-50, 400,40,-50, 400,60,-50, 250,100,-50, _
0,100,-50, -20,90,-50, -20,10,-50
'MaxPolys = 27
'DATA 1,0,7, 1,7,2, 2,7,6, 2,6,3, 3,6,4, 4,6,5
'DATA 9,15,8, 9,10,15, 10,14,15, 10,11,14, 11,13,14, 11,12,13
'DATA 8,7,0, 8,15,7, 8,0,1, 9,8,1, 9,1,2, 10,9,2, 10,2,3, 11,10,3
'DATA 12,11,4, 11,3,4, 4,5,13, 4,13,12
'DATA 5,6,14, 5,14,13, 14,6,7, 14,7,15
'MaxLines = 23
'DATA 0,1, 1,2, 2,3, 3,4, 4,5, 5,6, 6,7, 7,0
'DATA 8,9, 9,10, 10,11, 11,12, 12,13, 13,14, 14,15, 15,0
'DATA 0,8, 1,9, 2,10, 3,11, 4,12, 5,13, 6,14, 7,15

FOR a = 0 TO MaxPoints
    READ Points(a).XObject, Points(a).YObject, Points(a).ZObject
    X = X + Points(a).XObject: Y = Y + Points(a).YObject: Z = Z + _
'Center the object
X = X \ (MaxPoints + 1): Y = Y \ (MaxPoints + 1): Z = Z \ (MaxPoints +
FOR a = 0 TO MaxPoints
    Points(a).XObject = Points(a).XObject - X
    Points(a).YObject = Points(a).YObject - Y
    Points(a).ZObject = Points(a).ZObject - Z
FOR a = 0 TO MaxPolys
    READ Polys(a).P1, Polys(a).P2, Polys(a).P3
FOR a = 0 TO MaxLines
    READ lines(a).P1, lines(a).P2

'Precalculate the normal point of each polygon for fast Lambert shading

'Precalculate the sine table
a = 0
FOR a! = 0 TO (359 + 90) / 57.29 STEP 1 / 57.29
    SineTable(a) = SIN(a!) * 1024: a = a + 1

'Some light source configurations won't work that great!
l1 = 70: l2 = 40           'light source's spherical coordinates
a1! = l1 / 57.29: a2! = l2 / 57.29
'Continued on page 3

--- MsgToss 2.0b
 * Origin: Computer Co-Op - Voorhees, NJ | Ted Hare (1:266/29)
Outer Court
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