BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 03-21-93 (03:40) Number: 351 From: RICH GELDREICH Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Solid5 1/8 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Here's the solid 3-D program I've been talking about! Page 1 of 8. 'Page 1 of SOLID5.BAS begins here. 'Shaded 3-D animation with shadows [solid5.bas] for QB4.5/PDS 'By Rich Geldreich 1992 'Notes... ' This version uses some floating point math in the initialization 'code for shading, but after initialization floating point math is not 'used at all. ' The shading imploys Lambert's Law to determine the intensity of 'each visible polygon. Three simple lookup tables are calculated at 'initialization time which are used to eliminate multiples and 'divides in the main animation code. ' The hidden face detection algorithm was made by Dave Cooper. 'It's fast, and does not require any multiples and divides under most 'cases. The "standard" way of detecting hidden faces, by finding the 'dot product of the normal of each polygon and the viewing vector, 'was not just good (or fast) enough for me! ' The PolyFill routine is the major bottleneck of this program. 'QB's LINE command isn't as fast as I would like it to be... On my '286-10, the speed isn't that bad (after all, this is all-QB!). On a '386 or 486, this thing should fly... [hopefully] ' The shadows are calculated by projecting a line with the light 'source's vector through each of the points on the solid. Where this 'line hits the ground plane(which has a constant Y coordinate) is 'where the new shadow point is plotted. ' This program is 100% public domain- but of course please give 'some credit if you use anything from this program. Thanks! DEFINT A-Z DECLARE SUB CullPolygons () DECLARE SUB DrawLine (xs%, ys%, xe%, ye%, EdgeList() AS ANY) DECLARE SUB DrawObject () DECLARE SUB DrawShadows () DECLARE SUB EdgeFill (EdgeList() AS ANY, YLow%, YHigh%, C%) DECLARE SUB FindNormals () DECLARE SUB PolyFill (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, x3%, y3%, C%) DECLARE SUB RotatePoints () DECLARE SUB ShadePolygons () CONST True = -1, False = 0 TYPE EdgeType 'for fast polygon rasterization Low AS INTEGER High AS INTEGER END TYPE TYPE PointType XObject AS INTEGER 'original cooridinate YObject AS INTEGER ZObject AS INTEGER 'rotated coodinated XWorld AS INTEGER YWorld AS INTEGER ZWorld AS INTEGER XView AS INTEGER 'rotated & translated coordinate YView AS INTEGER XShadow AS INTEGER 'coordinates projected onto the ground plane YShadow AS INTEGER END TYPE TYPE PolyType P1 AS INTEGER '3 points which make up the polygon(they _ point P2 AS INTEGER ' to the point list array) P3 AS INTEGER Culled AS INTEGER 'True if plane not visible ZCenter AS INTEGER 'Z center of polygon ZOrder AS INTEGER 'Used in the shell sort of the ZCenters Intensity AS INTEGER 'Intensity of polygon WorldXN AS INTEGER 'Contains the coordinates of the point WorldYN AS INTEGER ' which is both perpendicular and a constant WorldZN AS INTEGER ' distance from the polygon NormalX AS INTEGER 'Normal of polygon -128 to 128 NormalY AS INTEGER ' (used for fast Lambert shading) NormalZ AS INTEGER END TYPE TYPE LineType P1 AS INTEGER 'Used for shadow projection P2 AS INTEGER END TYPE DIM SHARED EdgeList(199) AS EdgeType DIM SHARED SineTable(359 + 90) AS LONG 'cos(x)=sin(x+90) DIM SHARED R1, R2, R3, ox, oy, oz DIM SHARED MaxPoints, MaxPolys, MaxLines DIM SHARED lines(100) AS LineType DIM SHARED Polys(100) AS PolyType DIM SHARED Points(100) AS PointType DIM SHARED lx(256), ly(256), lz(256) 'lookup tables for Lambert _ shading DIM SHARED s, XLow(1), XHigh(1), YLow(1), YHigh(1) DIM SHARED ShadowXLow(1), ShadowXHigh(1), ShadowYLow(1), ShadowYHigh(1) DIM SHARED lx, ly, lz PRINT "QuickBASIC/PDS 3-D Solid Animation": PRINT "By Rich Geldreich _ 1992" PRINT : PRINT "Keys: [Turn NUMLOCK on]" PRINT "Left.....................Angle 1 -" 'Continued on page 2 --- MsgToss 2.0b * Origin: Computer Co-Op - Voorhees, NJ | Ted Hare (1:266/29)
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