BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 03-19-93 (21:00) Number: 371 From: QUINN TYLER JACKSON Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Formula Solver 1.4 4/ Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
>>> Continued from previous message ' Push the parameters to the variable stack temporarily IF SymPtr < SYMMAX THEN ' Since it wasn't, put it there VariPtr = VariPtr + 1 SymPtr = SymPtr + 1 IF VariPtr <= VARMAX THEN SymTable(SymPtr).SymName = Param$(i%) SymTable(SymPtr).SymType = SymVARIABLE SymTable(SymPtr).TabPtr = VariPtr SymTable(SymPtr).SymLvl = LvlPtr + 1 VarTable(VariPtr) = ParValue(i%) ELSE ErrorCode = eqjVariableTableFull END IF ELSE ErrorCode = eqjSymbolTableFull END IF NEXT i% fqjSolveFormula = fqjEvaluate(Formula$) VariPtr = VariPtr - Tot% ' Clear the variable stack of SymPtr = SymPtr - Tot% ' variables used in parameter END FUNCTION FUNCTION fqjVAL (InText$) ' Initialize some variables.... IF LvlPtr < MAXLEVELS THEN LvlPtr = LvlPtr + 1 DIM CommandArray$(MAXCOMMANDS) ' separate statement by semicolons CALL sjfParse(CommandArray$(), InText$, ";", Tot%) FOR i% = 1 TO Tot% fqjVAL = fqjEval(CommandArray$(i%)) IF ErrorCode THEN fqjVAL = 0 EXIT FUNCTION END IF NEXT i% LvlPtr = LvlPtr - 1 ELSE ErrorCode = eqjNestedTooDeep END IF END FUNCTION FUNCTION funSolveEquation (InText$) STATIC Initialized% IF Initialized% = FALSE THEN RESTORE PredefinedFunctionData DO READ N$, F$ IF N$ <> "*END*" THEN CALL sqjAssignFun(N$, F$, PROTECTED) END IF LOOP UNTIL N$ = "*END*" RESTORE SystemVariableData DO READ N$ IF N$ <> "*END*" THEN CALL sqjAssignVar(N$, 0, PROTECTED) END IF LOOP UNTIL N$ = "*END*" Initialized% = TRUE END IF OPERATOR = ADDSUB + MULTDIV + POWER + LOGICAL WHITESPACE = " " + CHR$(13) + CHR$(9) + CHR$(10) ErrorCode = 0 WarningCode = 0 LvlPtr = 0 funSolveEquation = fqjEvaluate(InText$) END FUNCTION SUB sjfParse (Word$(), Txt$, Spt$, WordNum%) Text$ = Txt$ WordNum% = 0 SepLen% = LEN(Spt$) DO WordNum% = WordNum% + 1 EndWord% = INSTR(Text$, Spt$) IF EndWord% THEN Word$(WordNum%) = LEFT$(Text$, EndWord% - 1) Text$ = MID$(Text$, EndWord% + SepLen%) ELSE Word$(WordNum%) = Text$ Text$ = "" END IF LOOP WHILE LEN(Text$) END SUB SUB sqjApplyOp (Op$, x, y) ' This is the meat of the operator section, and can be modified to ' includ ANY symbol as an operator, or any two byte symbol combination. ' Any symbol added has to be added to the constant that sets its ' level of precedence. SELECT CASE Op$ CASE "-" ' subtraction x = x - y CASE "+" ' addition x = x + y CASE "*" ' multiplication x = x * y CASE "/" ' division IF y <> 0 THEN x = x / y ELSE ErrorCode = eqjDivisionByZero END IF CASE "\" ' integer division IF y <> 0 THEN x = x \ y ELSE ErrorCode = eqjDivisionByZero END IF CASE "%" ' modulo division IF y <> 0 THEN x = x MOD y ELSE ErrorCode = eqjDivisionByZero END IF CASE "^", "**" ' exponentation x = x ^ y CASE "}" ' the rth root of y IF y <> 0 THEN x = y ^ (1 / x) >>> Continued to next message
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