BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 03-19-93 (21:00) Number: 370 From: QUINN TYLER JACKSON Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Formula Solver 1.4 3/ Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
>>> Continued from previous message ' This function returns either a null string for no error, or a ' description ' of the most recent error that occurred in processing a statement. ' Errors ' terminate the process and return 0, whereas warnings continue ' functioning ' and return a value based upon defaults. SELECT CASE ErrorCode + WarningCode CASE 0 T$ = "" CASE eqjDivisionByZero T$ = "Division by zero" CASE eqjProtectedVariable T$ = "Attempt to overwrite protected variable" CASE eqjProtectedFunction T$ = "Attrmpt to redefine protected function" CASE eqjSymbolTableFull T$ = "Symbol table full" CASE eqjVariableTableFull T$ = "Variable table full" CASE eqjFunctionTableFull T$ = "Function table full" CASE eqjMismatchedParenthesis T$ = "Mismatched parenthesis encountered" CASE eqjUndefinedVariable T$ = "Undefined variable referenced -- assuming value of 0" CASE eqjFunctionDefaultUsed T$ = "Function parameter not supplied -- default assumed" CASE eqjSyntaxError T$ = "General syntax error" END SELECT fqjEvalErrMsg$ = T$ END FUNCTION FUNCTION fqjEvaluate (InText$) InText$ = LTRIM$(InText$) ' Expand unary suffixes for easier parsing FOR i% = 1 TO LEN(UNARY) Temp$ = MID$(UNARY, i%, 1) IF INSTR(InText$, Temp$) THEN TempPtr = 1 DO Char$ = MID$(InText$, TempPtr, 1) IF fqjInList(UNARY, Char$) THEN InText$ = LEFT$(InText$, TempPtr) + "0" + MID$(InText$,_ TempPtr + 1) END IF TempPtr = TempPtr + 1 LOOP UNTIL TempPtr >= LEN(InText$) END IF NEXT i% fqjEvaluate = fqjVAL(InText$) END FUNCTION FUNCTION fqjFetchVar (VarName$) SELECT CASE VarName$ CASE "TIMER" fqjFetchVar = TIMER CASE "STRING_MEM" fqjFetchVar = FRE("A") CASE "FREE_MEM" fqjFetchVar = FRE(-1) CASE "STACK" fqjFetchVar = FRE(-2) CASE "RND" fqjFetchVar = RND CASE ELSE FOR i% = SymPtr TO 1 STEP -1 ' IF SymTable(i%).SymLvl = LvlPtr OR SymTable(i%).SymLvl = 1 ' THEN IF SymTable(i%).SymType = SymVARIABLE THEN IF RTRIM$(SymTable(i%).SymName) = VarName$ THEN fqjFetchVar = VarTable(SymTable(i%).TabPtr) EXIT FUNCTION END IF END IF ' END IF NEXT i% WarningCode = eqjUndefinedVariable END SELECT END FUNCTION FUNCTION fqjInList% (OpTyp$, Op$) IF LEN(Op$) THEN IF INSTR(OpTyp$, Op$) > 0 THEN fqjInList% = TRUE END IF END IF END FUNCTION FUNCTION fqjSolveFormula (InToken$) DIM Param$(MAXPARAMS) DIM Default(MAXPARAMS) DIM ParValue$(MAXPARAMS) DIM ParValue(MAXPARAMS) Paren% = INSTR(InToken$, "[") FunctName$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(LEFT$(InToken$, Paren% - 1))) Par$ = MID$(InToken$, Paren% + 1, LEN(InToken$) - Paren% - 1) FOR i% = 1 TO SymPtr IF SymTable(i%).SymType = SymFUNCTION THEN IF RTRIM$(SymTable(i%).SymName) = FunctName$ THEN Formula$ = ForTable(SymTable(i%).TabPtr) Para$ = ParTable(SymTable(i%).TabPtr) CALL sjfParse(Param$(), Para$, ",", Tot%) FOR a% = 1 TO Tot% Temp$ = Param$(a%) TempPtr = INSTR(Temp$, ":") SELECT CASE TempPtr CASE 0 ' Do nothing Default(a%) = 0 CASE ELSE Param$(a%) = LEFT$(Temp$, TempPtr - 1) Default(a%) = fqjEvaluate(MID$(Temp$, TempPtr +_ 1)) END SELECT NEXT a% EXIT FOR END IF END IF NEXT i% CALL sjfParse(ParValue$(), Par$, ",", Tot2%) FOR i% = 1 TO Tot% IF ParValue$(i%) = "" THEN ParValue(i%) = Default(i%) WarningCode = eqjFunctionDefaultUsed ELSE ParValue(i%) = fqjEvaluate(ParValue$(i%)) END IF >>> Continued to next message * OLX 2.1 TD * A program is just a big bug that happened to work....
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