BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 03-19-93 (21:00) Number: 369 From: QUINN TYLER JACKSON Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Formula Solver 1.4 2/ Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
>>> Continued from previous message DIM SHARED PTR(MAXLEVELS) AS INTEGER ' Points to location in string_ being ' evluated DIM SHARED EXPR$(MAXLEVELS) ' Expression being evaluated DIM SHARED TOKEN$(MAXLEVELS) ' Current token being evaluated DIM SHARED TypeToken(MAXLEVELS) ' Type of current token CLEAR , , 1024 * 4 CLS ' Initialize tables nul = fqjEvaluate("") ' The following module level code is used for testing and debugging. DO LvlPtr = 0 TestDeep% = 0 ' Find all cases of TestDeep% and erase when ' you modify this module to fit into your programs, ' since it is only used for testing purposes LOCATE 4 PRINT "Formula --->" + SPACE$(80); LOCATE 4, 16 LINE INPUT Test$ LOCATE 6 Synch! = TIMER 'synchronize to the system timer DO Start! = TIMER LOOP WHILE Start! = Synch! PRINT "Result ---->", funSolveEquation(Test$); " " LOCATE 3 PRINT "Time ------>"; TIMER - Start!; " "; TAB(50);_ "Recursion Depth: "; TestDeep% LOCATE 1 PRINT "Last error->", fqjEvalErrMsg$; " "+_ " " VIEW PRINT 8 TO 24 FOR i% = 1 TO SymPtr IF i% MOD 17 = 0 THEN LOCATE 8 Sec% = TRUE END IF IF Sec% THEN LOCATE , 40 END IF SELECT CASE SymTable(i%).SymType CASE SymVARIABLE PRINT "V: "; RTRIM$(SymTable(i%).SymName); " -->"; SELECT CASE SymTable(i%).SymLvl CASE IS > PROTECTED PRINT VarTable(SymTable(i%).TabPtr); " "+_ " " CASE ELSE PRINT fqjFetchVar(RTRIM$(SymTable(i%).SymName))_ ; " " END SELECT CASE SymFUNCTION PRINT "F: "; RTRIM$(SymTable(i%).SymName) END SELECT NEXT i% Sec% = FALSE VIEW PRINT LOOP PredefinedFunctionData: ' The following functions are read into the symbol table the first ' time the function is called. I thought they would be of some help. ' Note that they are PROTECTED. That is to say, they cannot be ' redefined ' by the user, in the same way the user cannot redefine built-in ' functions ' in BASIC. Add any to this list any functions that would suit your ' needs. DATA "square_root[x]","2}x" DATA "cube_root[x]","3}x" DATA "rand[high:100,seed:timer]","high?seed" ' ^ ' | ' seeds with timer if no seed supplied ' DATA "area_of_circle[r,pi:3.1415926]","pi*r^2" ' ^^^^^^^^^ ' | ' defaults if none supplied ' | | ' V V DATA "distance[x1,y1,z1:0,x2,y2,z2:0]","square_root[(x1-x2)^2+(y1-y2"+_ ")^2+(z1-z2)^2]" DATA "*END*","" ' These following system variables. They cannot be redefined, since ' they ' return system information. When you add a system variable to this ' list, you must also add it to the SELECT CASE VarName$ structure in ' the FUNCTION fqjFetchVar. Here are a few to get you started. SystemVariableData: DATA "timer" DATA "string_mem" DATA "free_mem" DATA "stack" DATA "rnd" DATA "*END*" FUNCTION fqjEval (InText$) EXPR$(LvlPtr) = UCASE$(InText$) PTR(LvlPtr) = 1 AssignmentPtr% = INSTR(EXPR$(LvlPtr), ASSIGNMENT) ParenPtr% = INSTR(EXPR$(LvlPtr), "[") IF AssignmentPtr% = 0 THEN ' just do a simple evaluation EXPR$(LvlPtr) = EXPR$(LvlPtr) CALL sqjGetToken CALL sqjDesParse(1, x) fqjEval = x ELSE ' assign a variable or function! VariableName$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(LEFT$(EXPR$(LvlPtr), AssignmentPtr% -_ 1))) SELECT CASE (ParenPtr% > 0) AND (ParenPtr% < AssignmentPtr%) CASE 0 Valu = fqjEval(MID$(EXPR$(LvlPtr), AssignmentPtr% + 2)) CALL sqjAssignVar(VariableName$, Valu, LvlPtr) fqjEval = Valu CASE ELSE Formula$ = LTRIM$(MID$(EXPR$(LvlPtr), AssignmentPtr% +_ 2)) CALL sqjAssignFun(VariableName$, Formula$, UNPROTECTED) END SELECT END IF END FUNCTION FUNCTION fqjEvalErrMsg$ () >>> Continued to next message * OLX 2.1 TD * A program is just a big bug that happened to work.... --- Maximus/2 2.01wb
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